The late Desmond Tutu's fight against apartheid (not covered anywhere in the MSM)
This is political propaganda that is simplistic to the point of being simple-minded. Why would Tutu single out Israel out of all the bad shit that goes on around the world? I have no love for any Catholic cardinal, and that alone renders Tutu's opinions especially worthless. Israel has powerful and wealthy enemies and anyone criticizing Israel's behavior has to account for Arab behavior FIRST (especially as they are nearly always the initiators). They're all nuts, so again, singling out Israel requires a motive, and while anti-Semitism is likely to be the correct answer, being funded by Saudi Arabia or Iran happens a lot.
@altschmerz Nearly all Arab and Eastern Orthodox states, Russia, China, India and Southeast Asia. Israel is supported because of what it is and does as a strategic location and as a weapons development lab.
Posted by William_MaryA symptom of perception management. The program was completed when the vast amount of the American citizenship became compliant to the delivery of MSM information. []
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