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Trump Holds Press Conference to Claim He Alone Can Quickly End Ukrainian Crisis

During a news conference before his speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), former President Donald Trump was asked, "If you were president right now, and the situation is what it is right now, what should Joe Biden do?” Trump responded by saying "Well I think I know exactly what should be done," but then refused to say what that was, other than claiming “I think it would end it pretty quickly."

Wow! “Attention shoppers! We have a huge word salad spill, over on aisle four.” Gee whiz, it sounds like Mr. Trump is back on his game - a totally psychotic game, but a game all the same. Of course, we already know what his plan is. No need for him to say it out loud. There is even a name for his plan, it’s called “No Fucking Idea.”

I mean, come on! At least Marjorie Taylor Greene can articulate her plan. “First, zap them with a ‘Jewish Space Laser’ - then, send in the ‘Gazpacho,’ to clean up whatever resistance might still remain.” Not surprisingly, Trump’s back to using his old line about “I alone can do this!” The trouble is, he doesn’t really mention on whose behalf - Russia’s or Ukraine’s?

Why, during his press conference, he even alluded to the use of nuclear weapons - not once, but several times. Hell, Trump thinks nukes can solve practically everything. Remember back a few years ago, when he actually wanted to “nuke a hurricane?” Good times! Now, is it just me, or does anyone else have a hard time figuring out how so many of our friends and neighbors, can say they actually “miss” those days?

So, what’s the solution to this mounting international crisis? Well, listen to any card-carrying QAnon member as many of today’s crop of Republicans do, and they will be the first to tell you “not to worry, everything will be revealed - once JFK Jr. makes his official reappearance back in Dallas later this year.” So, at least we’ve all got that going for us!

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johnnyrobish 8 Feb 27
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Trump could end this quickly by sending in American troops to help Putin against the aggressors in the Ukraine.

That would indeed be his solution.

Or he would just give them an extraordinary amount of money to pay them not to invade. He would not care it is not his money.

@dalefvictor Only if he could skim his cut off the top.

@glennlab That goes without saying, he makes no move if he cannot get his beak wet.


Sarcasm that leads to tears......

AnneWimsey Level 9 Feb 27, 2022

Why is he not in jail?

Canndue Level 8 Feb 27, 2022

We're still talking about this shit gibbon..ugh..

Charlene Level 9 Feb 27, 2022

I reckon he has a 60% chance to be our next President.

@johnnyrobish let's hope the Dems run somebody other than Joe.

@Charlene Dems will never learn

@JonnaBononna seems so, don't it..


Idiot couldn't fix his spelling

bobwjr Level 10 Feb 27, 2022

So how is this legal for an insurrectionist to spout sedition? Lock him up because I can’t stand to look at him and his voice makes me sick.


I wish they would stay out of Dallas, we are strongly democratic and don't suffer fools lightly.

glennlab Level 10 Feb 27, 2022
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