Nazi Ukranian Battalion hosts Nazi Lecture: []
German Embassy South Africa’s response to the Nazi trolls.
Sorry, but we can't stay silent on this one, it's just far too cynical. What is doing in
is slaughtering innocent children, women and men for its own gain. It's definitely not "fighting Nazism". Shame on anyone who's falling for this. (Sadly, we're kinda experts on Nazism.)
I've seen that and I answered them on their embassy website.
They never give up Nazism. They have just been continuing it In new ways.
Germany's Nazis were recruited for the CIA to repress people of color around the world. Nazis were rehabilitated to help create West Germany.
They thus supported Apartheid South Africa. And they currently support Apartheid Israel. They have supported the genocidal wars of France, the UK, and the US.
Germany practices racist and economic Nazism internationally without the dictatorship aspect at home.
@Krish55 Wow, these are serious accusations which call for supporting references…, please provide.
@p-nullifidian OK, later...
@krish55 much later i bet
Day 1 Nazis Recruited by the US:
"a decisão to recruit Nazi operatives had a impacto negativo on U.S.-Soviet relations and set the stage for Washington’s tolerância of human rights abuses and other criminal acts in the name of anti-Communism. With that fateful sub-rosa embrace, the die was cast for a litany of antidemocratic CIA interventions around the world."
@p-nullifidian, @Redneckliberal
Another source on US recruiting Nazis:
"Edgar Hoover at the F.B.I. and Allen Dulles at the C.I.A. aggressively recruited onetime Nazis"
Posted by William_MaryA symptom of perception management. The program was completed when the vast amount of the American citizenship became compliant to the delivery of MSM information. []
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