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An Irish View of the Conflict:

Krish55 8 Mar 8
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We are still waiting for an apology from Israel for its criminal attack on the USS Liberty.

Reignmond Level 7 Mar 16, 2022

Yes, Palestine is long over due, if we can't fix this problem, we deserve many more like it


hypocrites "R" them..


My kindergarten teacher taught me that two wrongs don’t make a right. In other words, it is unethical to defer or excuse the behavior of one party by pointing out similar behavior in others!

Did your kindergarden teacher also teach you to listen and digest a speech accurately?

The speaker did nothing that you accuse him of! He was pointing out a racist double-standard.

@Krish55 Fair enough… a double standard is what you’ve identified. I have for years seen that our treatment of the Palestinian conflict has been out of wack. That said, I would like to stay focused on what’s happening in Ukraine without comparing the situation to other global problems.

@p-nullifidian His concern isn't Palestine or anything else, he just found an opportunity to show his Hate against the West, just welcoming to anything that can help, Palestine, Black lives...any. isn't complicated really, simple mind, another type of racism/fascism: Black-list instead of White-list! just check his posts and can see the pattern!
His mind is the meaning of the double standard.

You are half correct.

I'm against Western imperialism, not Western culture. I speak 5 European languages and know the song and dances from many European countries. I also like the Western revolutionary tradition.

The West continues to exploit countries around the world and to invade and engage in regime change to continue doing so. Western imperialism is the greatest contributor to misery in the world.

Western capitalism is the problem, not the West itself.

@Krish55 I’m curious, is eastern (Asian) capitalism better, in your opinion? Do Japan, Taiwan and South Korea offer worthy examples for economic development? And what about China, who seems to have modeled their economic practices after the Ferengi?

@p-nullifidian Good questions! Honestly, I don't know. Worst problem with capitalism is that it requires growth - which destroys the planet, among other things. And the social relations at work are hierarchial. The ideal for the future would be an sort of anarchistic socialism. That's Chomsky's vision.

@Krish55 just a naive mind which stuck in the past, off for 5-7 decades. wake up, the world has changed. people like you sucking the Western systems and capitalism breast till you can and at the same time complaining about it.
"anarchistic socialism"! Chomsky!!! 😮 ... wake up, this's another century!!! 😀

@Diaco Because we benefit from it, we should not point out its inherently unjust and destructive aspects???

@Krish55 Not a long time ago people respected their thoughts and were ready to pay for their thoughts, sadly not anymore... no discipline, no principle... and claim for being progressive!
just an empty and uneducated mind with the decoration of fancy and rotten words and books, like "anarchistic socialism"! 😀
nowadays bitter jock.

@Krish55 “Worst problem with capitalism is that it requires growth - which destroys the planet.”

Indeed. A consumption-based capitalist system is not sustainable.

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