Marjorie Taylor Greene Introduces Bill to Stop US Funding of Biolabs in Ukraine
With a horrific war raging in Ukraine, Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) decided it was time she took to the House floor to repeat the “Kremlin narrative” about how Joe Biden and the “US is funding biolabs in Ukraine.” Greene did this without any real evidence to support her accusations, other than what people in her district told her they read about on the internet. But, never mind that, Greene claimed “There are reports of possibly deadly pathogens escaping these biolabs in places like Ukraine, Georgia, Kazakhstan that is responsible for killing people,” before adding “"What if that's true?” She then introduced a bill in Congress to prevent something she has absolutely no evidence is even occurring.
Gee, it sure sounds like all that redistricting the Republican Party did down in Georgia, finally gave the Russian Federation the representation they paid for in the US Congress. It’s sort of like Joe Biden has Jen Psaki as his Press Secretary, while Vladimir Putin gets Marjorie Taylor Greene, Steve Bannon, and Tucker Carlson. Of course, the oddest thing is we now have half the Republican Party reciting the Kremlin Party line verbatim, while the other half are demanding we start a nuclear war with Russia. Talk about a “big tent,” the Republican tent now stretches from the Deep South - all the way to Petersburg, Russia. Why, that tent’s almost large enough to house Putin’s ego!
Of course, the one thing Marjorie Taylor Greene doesn’t bother to tell you is that just about every country in the entire world does “biolab research,” but it’s “bioweapons labs” that are an actual threat. I mean, contagious diseases are studied and identified in biolabs, not to mention treatments such as life-saving vaccines are also developed in biolabs. Frankly, now that we’re on the subject, a lot of folks would like to know just what the hell kind of “lab” did Marjorie Taylor Greene’s brain actually come out of. Now, my guess is that it wasn’t a “biolab,” but more likely a “chocolate lab.”
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If the shoe fits lives are saved if no such labs exist, no harm no foul.... pay attention to Senator Rand Paul who does prove such funding such labs exist globallly including WUHAN & Fort Dietrick Antietam Maryland.... demonRAT party and rethuglican party both pass these deadly funding bills with tiny token opposition by Dr Paul & CongressMember Greene I am GREEN PARTY VETERANS FOR PEACE including illegal bioWarS since 1914 ....Agent Orange is a bioweapon kills people too not just trees. TOOK off my brotherS right leg exposed in Vietnam
Who the fuck is giving that aggressive microcephalic oxygen thief any air time?
Posted by William_MaryA symptom of perception management. The program was completed when the vast amount of the American citizenship became compliant to the delivery of MSM information. []
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