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Why many Jews are justifiably tepid about supporting Zelensky and Ukriane: []

"Bandera’s OUN celebrates liberation of Lviv by the Nazis by raping Jewish women and underage girls in broad daylight, before murdering them together with other Jews.

"To become a President, Zelensky had to declare that he “understands” people who see Bandera as the creator of the nation - and say nothing about people who see Bandera as a Nazi mass-murderer. A Jew in Ukraine is fine, as long as he/she knows their place,"

Krish55 8 Mar 20
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What do you have against Jews?

BitFlipper Level 8 Mar 21, 2022

Where is that indicated in this post?


Quisling alert!!!!!

AnneWimsey Level 9 Mar 21, 2022

Nice historical reference! Wonder how many young people can recognize that today?

@Krish55 they can Google it, duuuuh.

Ah, the Heretic accusation for not following the One True Relligion of UKRAINISM.


Your last sentence speaks volumes about you.......

I guess I need to repeat my comment below:

The sentence is in quotes. It's from the article and not mine. The author is a Jewish Israeli. The article is relevant to the power of the neo-Nazis in Ukriane. The movement lay dormant during Soviet times and re-emerged after 1990.

@krish55 why then post this bullshit?

@Redneckliberal Please explain how you think the writer is mistaken...

@krish55 it has to be explained to you???... This just further spreads hate....

@Redneckliberal Please explain what specifically is inaccurate and spreads hate?

@krish55 let me get the crayons.... Or do you not know your place...


Why is this even relevant. He is a Ukrainian leader that happens to be a Jew. Your last sentence is true, since their president is a Jew, that says a lot… how are you compensated by the Russians?

Canndue Level 8 Mar 20, 2022

The sentence is in quotes. It's from the article and not mine. The author is a Jewish Israeli. The article is relevant to the power of the neo-Nazis in Ukriane. The movement lay dormant during Soviet times and re-emerged after 1990.

@Krish55 And has taken over Russia and right wing nationalists trying in many countries, including USA and Israel….

@Canndue That's true! Putin's base is the right wing.

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