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UKRAINISM - The Newest Religion

(Remember, if it walks like a duck, it is a duck)

Ye who have rejected the ancient beliefs of yore shall now prostate thyselves to the newly revealed faith of UKRAINISM!

The Prophet: Zelensky

Zelensky is the pure one who shalt not be scorned upon pain of excommunication.

So he has $1.3 billion in offshore accounts (Pandora Papers) instead of it being investing in Ukraine? We must not ask where that money came from, nor his $31 million estate in Florida. Remember, Judas also received 30 pieces of silver for cooperating with the world's superpower...

So he jailed the opposition leader and closed down three newspapers in the years before Russia's invasion? We must not mention that either. The Prophet knows best what is to be allowed and what is not to be allowed.

So he kept the Azov Nazis after his election and sent them to slaughter those in the East? Well, those that were slaughtered were infidels who did not follow the true religion of UKRAINISM.

Remember, God and The Prophet work in strange ways...

The Chosen People: Ukrainians

Ukrainians are the Chosen People who must be revered all day.

Don't mention that many cooperated with the Nazis to murder Jews, Gypsies, and communists during WWII. Don't mention that these Nazis burnt 48 people alive in Odessa in 2014. Don't mention that it is the only country in the world with dedicated Nazi battalions. After all, the Old Testament has similar cases of justifiable genocide also

You shall show you are faithful by wearing the colors of the Chosen People - the divine Blue and Gold.

The Devil: Putin

Putin is the Devil Incarnate.

He is the enemy of All That Is Good (The West, Zelensky, and Ukraine).

The Holy Books: CNN, MSNBC, FOX, BBC...

We must look at the holy books all day, every day.

These Scriptures have the Absolute Truth and will guide our thoughts in the right manner.

Heresy: Any Questioning

It is Heresy to question the Holy Books, the Prophet, or the Chosen People.

It is also forbidden Heresy to look at the books of the False Gods (RT, Sputnik).

Anyone who does so shall be called a tool of the Devil (Putin). And he shall be accursed and cast out!

Krish55 8
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Not so fast, check your sources

godfree2 Level 6 Aug 12, 2022

Western fact checking sources and news media have been very protective of Ukraine and Zelenski.

Notice that Snopes doesn't say the claim against Zelensky is false. It just says that it's not confirmed and follows with glowing praise of zelenski's war handling. This shows its bias.

On International issues, the Western media is as united as the Western political parties in protecting corporate, imperialist interests. Therefore such media cannot be depended upon for impartial views.

@Krish55 All of what you posted was outed as a Russian disinformation campaign....
You need to stop with helping Trump and Putin...


IF it was all happening here and our country was so close to the source you would be greatly alarmed also.

DenoPenno Level 9 Apr 16, 2022

It is happening in our country. What do you think the capital insurrection was about? What type of ideology do you think encouraged it? What type of people do you think were involved? The very type of people and groups that orchestrated the Maidan Revolution in Ukraine that lead to the current war there are the types that were behind that insurrection with the collaboration of the Obama and Biden administration. A number of people and leaders of the groups of that insurrection in DC traveled to Ukraine to train under Azov in regards to crowd protest violence as that war was in progress in its earlier years. Which multiple, various NGO groups funded training for multiple fascist groups in Ukraine to prepared for the protest there. DC was essentially a mirrored image of what took place in Ukraine. It was just short of becoming the major incident seen in Ukraine.

And don't be fooled by the purposely limited response taking place today to ensure a 2 party system for capitalism survives within the deception going on. Because just as in Ukraine, no one is genuinely be held accountable for it. The source as you put it remains alive, intact, and capable of being much more in the future due to the limited response!


Lenin is credited with coining the phrase "useful idiots " to describe people in the West who supported the Soviet Union. The phrase could equally be used to describe people who repeat Russian propaganda regarding their invasion of Ukraine. Welcome to the club.

Moravian Level 8 Apr 14, 2022

Some of the concerns raised by Russia are factual, not propaganda.

That has never been verified as a Lenin statement. So you're essentially guilty of spreading disinformation through purposeful negative indoctrination. I'll put RTs coverage up against any MSCM or MSM as being more factual on Ukraine any given day. And I bet you don't even observe it to know what you're talking about to actually provide a genuine intellectual opinion. Which again would mean you're spreading disinformation and demonizing those who actually do observe both sides. Yea, lets talk about clubs now. The one more informed doesn't appear to be yours.

@Krish55 Russia is not wanted as a "full partner" in European security mainly because Russia is an authoritarian kleptocracy no one dares trust, and only a fool does not realize that now. The fox never gets let into the henhouse.

@alliwant Europe is hardly a henhouse. It is led by those who got rich from colonialism, slavery, and imperialism. Ukraine is just as corrupt as Russia. It had more citizens named in the Panama papers than Russia. Zelenskyy, by the way, was one of those named for hidden offshore money.
Europe has no problems with security. It is the darker countries of the global south that need security from Europe.

@Krish55 No concerns raised by Russia are more than lies and disinformation...


Naw, someone is a Ruski troll. If you blew a whole town, killed hundreds of people, what would you be called? Seriously 9/ ain't got nuthing on this s*#t


I can't beleive it. I believe pictures on news, it seems real enough. Not saying Iraq was not bad. Afghan hell plus corruption, Israel vs Palestine, and Isis, God ! Or is that Mohammad ? And why didn't Obama drop a cruise missle in ashads' lap ? Don't know,,, wars don't end,,, civilization certainly will

Then again, YOU may be a tool. Examine the evidence, and then prove I am wrong. That's the challenge. Since you are on the Agnostics website, I am assuming you are open to evidence . . . .

The 2014 coup in Ukraine was backed by the USA, remember the recording of Victoria Nuland, selecting who would become the leaders, and saying "F**k the EU"?

While the USA complains about Russia's putative illegal annexation of Ukraine, they themselves annexed the WHOLE COUNTRY of UKRAINE. THESE are the irrefutable facts:

From Der Spiegel, November 26, 2009 :
NATO's Eastward Expansion: Did the West Break Its Promise to Moscow?
What the US secretary of state said on Feb. 9, 1990 in the magnificent St. Catherine's Hall at the Kremlin is beyond dispute. There would be, in Baker's words, "no extension of NATO's jurisdiction for forces of NATO one inch to the east," provided the Soviets agreed to the NATO membership of a unified Germany. Moscow would think about it, Gorbachev said, but added: "any extension of the zone of NATO is unacceptable."

Obama admitted his role in the US-supported coup in Ukraine. (First video link below).
Victoria Nuland, Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs at the United States Department of State, admits in the second video that the USA supported the Ukrainian coup with 5 billion dollars. Note the Chevron symbol in the background of the video. John McCain (Senator Lovewar himself) and Victoria Nuland were in Ukraine in December 2013 amid the mass anti-government protests. (The third video is of John McCain in Ukraine addressing protesters.) During the visit, McCain met with Ukrainian opposition leaders in the country’s capital of Kiev, voicing his support for the protests, adding that he saw Ukraine’s future with Europe.
Obama admits the US-sponsored coup:

Victoria Nuland . . . 5 Billion recently, with Chevron symbol behind her
John McCain in Ukraine addressing protesters
John McCain and Lindsey Graham in Ukraine, encouraging Ukrainian soldiers to take Donesk, contrary to the Minsk Agreements
Biden's youngest son, Hunter Biden was hired to the board of Burisma Holdings, Ukraine’s largest private gas producer. The proxy Ukraine war is all about profit. The Eastern part of Ukraine is the major oil and gas producing region of Ukraine accounting for approximately 90 per cent of Ukrainian production and according to EIA (The American Energy Information Administration) may have 42 tcf (trillion cubic feet) of shale gas resources technically recoverable from 197 tcf of risked shale gas in place.

Donbass after the 2014 US-sponsored coup: Anne-Laure Bonnel

German ex-Chancellor Angela Merkel admits that they were lying about the Minsk Agreements.

Three major corporations bought millions of acres of land in Ukraine immediately after the 2014 US-sponsored coup . . . . no planning there at all, right?
This is the butt naked clown the USA government has such a hard on for, that they are sending Billions of our tax dollars to. .

@Archeus_Lore Oh look another pro-terrorist Republican... Probably one who thinks because he is a Libertarian he is "progressive" but doesn't realize they are one in the same...


I see that you have created the religion of Stupidasfuck.

Please keep banging on in the way that you do - the rest of us enjoy a jolly good laugh.

anglophone Level 9 Mar 21, 2022

StupidasF____ arises when you think like a religious fanatic and are unwilling to consider an opposing opinion because you are so emotionally invested in yours.

@Krish55 I am not a religious fanatic. I am a fanatic against logical fallacies, willful ignorance and willful stupidity, and I have no issues with being so emotionally invested in that my fanaticism.

How about looking int what the Pandora papers says?

@Jolanta I have had enough of Krish55. I ignore him now.

@anglophone yes a bad actor

@godfree2 You sound like a religious fanatic saying that atheists serve the devil...

@Krish55 Only religious fanatic I see here is you.... You belong to Putindicksuckingism...


Its 1. 3 million you dipshit.... And he earned it as a tv star... Quit posting lies and bullshit... Take your crayons and go back to mommys basement and stfu

No it is not. And you can't earn that amount as a comic in Ukriane. Here is a British MP:

@krish55 youtube is your source?,,,figures..... Go to your room boy

@Krish55 George Galloway is a former MP. He currently presents The Mother of All Talk Shows on Radio Sputnik and Sputnik on RT UK.

Maybe it would be a good idea to look int the Pandora papers.

@Krish55 Anyone who uses gorgeous George as an information source is totally away with the fairies.

@Redneckliberal Youtube can be a legitimate source, given the right evidence. So let's see if you are worthy of this website, let's see if you can prove what I have here is wrong. I dare you. The 2014 coup in Ukraine was backed by the USA, remember the recording of Victoria Nuland, selecting who would become the leaders, and saying "F**k the EU"?

While the USA complains about Russia's putative illegal annexation of Ukraine, they themselves annexed the WHOLE COUNTRY of UKRAINE. THESE are the irrefutable facts:

From Der Spiegel, November 26, 2009 :
NATO's Eastward Expansion: Did the West Break Its Promise to Moscow?
What the US secretary of state said on Feb. 9, 1990 in the magnificent St. Catherine's Hall at the Kremlin is beyond dispute. There would be, in Baker's words, "no extension of NATO's jurisdiction for forces of NATO one inch to the east," provided the Soviets agreed to the NATO membership of a unified Germany. Moscow would think about it, Gorbachev said, but added: "any extension of the zone of NATO is unacceptable."

Obama admitted his role in the US-supported coup in Ukraine. (First video link below).
Victoria Nuland, Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs at the United States Department of State, admits in the second video that the USA supported the Ukrainian coup with 5 billion dollars. Note the Chevron symbol in the background of the video. John McCain (Senator Lovewar himself) and Victoria Nuland were in Ukraine in December 2013 amid the mass anti-government protests. (The third video is of John McCain in Ukraine addressing protesters.) During the visit, McCain met with Ukrainian opposition leaders in the country’s capital of Kiev, voicing his support for the protests, adding that he saw Ukraine’s future with Europe.
Obama admits the US-sponsored coup:

Victoria Nuland . . . 5 Billion recently, with Chevron symbol behind her
John McCain in Ukraine addressing protesters
John McCain and Lindsey Graham in Ukraine, encouraging Ukrainian soldiers to take Donesk, contrary to the Minsk Agreements
Biden's youngest son, Hunter Biden was hired to the board of Burisma Holdings, Ukraine’s largest private gas producer. The proxy Ukraine war is all about profit. The Eastern part of Ukraine is the major oil and gas producing region of Ukraine accounting for approximately 90 per cent of Ukrainian production and according to EIA (The American Energy Information Administration) may have 42 tcf (trillion cubic feet) of shale gas resources technically recoverable from 197 tcf of risked shale gas in place.

Donbass after the 2014 US-sponsored coup: Anne-Laure Bonnel

German ex-Chancellor Angela Merkel admits that they were lying about the Minsk Agreements.

Three major corporations bought millions of acres of land in Ukraine immediately after the 2014 US-sponsored coup . . . . no planning there at all, right?
This is the butt naked clown the USA government has such a hard on for, that they are sending Billions of our tax dollars to. .

@Krish55 Nice use of youtube to spread FSB propaganda...

@Krish55 George Galloway is not a member of the UK government he was expelled...

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