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Another reason given to promote term limits is that it would reduce corruption and the bribery of campaign money, but I doubt term limits would change that. Anybody that wants to run for congress or president and win these days needs to sell their soul in advance in order to raise the money needed to win in the first place. Same with staying in office and winning re-election. So limiting terms does nothing as long as the system requires and supports legalized bribery in order to win federal office. And both major parties support this status quo, so only third party candidates winning federal office is ever going to change that.

Exactly. Elections should be publicly funded- whatever they get is all they can spend.

@JonnaBononna If that happened, suddenly the pols in DC would finally be responsive to the voters, instead of to their donors, as they are now. Only suckers and rubes still think otherwise, as countless studies have shown how unresponsive our federal pols are to what average Americans want on economic, environmental, tax, and foreign policy. So in the meantime, we get endless pitched battles in DC over culture wars stuff as a distraction.


It says it all that the average age of Americans is 38 but the average age of the house is 57 and of the senate if 62.

In other words, our parents are still running everything. I didn't like it in my family, once I became an adult, and I don't think most adults do either.....


We also need to quit electing geriatric presidents as well. Biden also has obvious dementia issues, as does Trump.

The INCAPACITATION amendment needs to be AMENDED like probibition was this time changing "bi-partisan" commitees to the Special Prosecutor Law employing skilled Psychiatric and Neurological experts to track Presidential crimes and incompetency bypassing partisan fake impeachments and fake Senate trials like Johnson and TrumpOLINi


Yeah, she needs to go. Now! So Gavin can appoint a liberal Dem to serve out her term.


This has been obvious to me for quite a while.

Theresa_N Level 8 Apr 17, 2022
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