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Marjorie Taylor Greene in Panic After Press Allowed Live Coverage of Her Trial

Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga) went on "The Jenna Ellis Show" to express her concerns about being videoed live during her court appearance in a lawsuit brought by her constituents. This, after a federal judge ruled a group of Georgia voters can proceed with their legal effort to disqualify her from running for reelection due to her alleged role in the Jan. 6th attack on the U.S. Capitol by a pro-Trump mob. Greene told Ellis that if a court proceedings video is allowed to go out live, “You know what that's going to look like, once the Democrats and the nasty Mainstream Media get ahold of my testimony.”

So, now let me get this straight. A woman who is obsessed with being in front of the camera, is now afraid of appearing on camera? Hmmmm, now me thinks Rep. Greene’s fears aren’t really about the media at all, but about testifying in court. Why, it’s almost as if she doesn’t want the general public to hear the answers she gives when she’s “under oath.” My, my!

You know, I think it’s just dawning on Rep. Greene that testifying under oath in a courtroom, is not quite the same thing as shooting off your big mouth on your Twitter feed. But I understand her concern here, she’s afraid the media will use the exact words she says, to make her sound like an idiot!

Why, I’ll bet that damn mainstream media probably won’t even video her from her good side. Oh wait, my error! Greene doesn't have a good side! My guess is, not even the “Gazpacho Police” would claim this vile, QAnon-loving creature, who claimed “school shootings were a hoax” and “Nancy Pelosi should be assassinated” - has a “good side.”

Now, we’ve all heard Greene constantly complaining about how “people always act as if I’m crazy.” Of course, the usual response to that is “If you don't want to be treated like you’re crazy, then don't act crazy,” but the fact is, it appears “not acting crazy” is way beyond Greene’s skill set. You see, that horse - has already left the barn.

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johnnyrobish 8 Apr 20
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MTG is way too crazy to realise just how crazy she is.

(Edited for typo)

anglophone Level 9 Apr 20, 2022

Spot on as usual!

AnneWimsey Level 9 Apr 20, 2022

Thank you!


Hope her constituents are successful and get rid of the horse face bitch. 😉


Too bad that she is a total whacko. I sometimes believe people like her want to attract Trump because somehow they think he will end up on a winning side and notice them for all the idiot support they seemed to give. If I'm wrong then maybe it's all QAnon.

DenoPenno Level 9 Apr 20, 2022
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