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Marjorie Taylor Greene Warns Bill Gates Growing Fake Meat in ‘Peach Tree Dishes’

In a recent video, US Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga) took to the podium to warn that “the government and Bill Gates want total surveillance on every part of your life, like if you're eating a cheeseburger, which is very bad because Bill Gates wants you to eat fake meat that grows in a peach tree dish.” Greene adds that “you'll probably get a little zap inside your body and that's saying, ‘No, no. Don't eat a real cheeseburger!’ You need to eat the fake, the fake burger, the fake meat from Bill Gates."

Wow, talk about “The Great Replacement Theory!” Who knew it also included burgers? Seems like it was just yesterday when Greene was the only one brave enough to warn us that Biden would try and force everyone to drink “plant-based beer” - and now this. My guess is all this will be enforced by those sinister Biden “Gazpacho Police” that Greene exposed late last year.

Now, is it just me, or is it completely insane that we are living in a world where almost nothing a Republican politician can say or do, will disqualify them in eyes of their constituency? So, Greene hates the government - we get that. That said, perhaps it might be a good idea for someone to explain to her that as a member of congress - she IS the frigg’in government?

Of course, who am I to criticize Rep. Greene? After all, from what she’s divulged in her video, it’s pretty obvious she’s become quite a serious student of organic chemistry. In fact, word has it, she even has a private “chemistry lab” in her back office, equipped with a "bunion burner” to run her experiments on. Or, was that a “meth lab?” Well, it was one of those labs, anyway.

So, the point is through diligent research, Greene has discovered Bill Gates is growing artificial meat on “peach tree dishes.” Now, I had no idea dishes even grow on peach trees. What I don’t get is, how do you know when the dishes are ripe, and just what the hell happened to all of the damn peaches? Sound crazy? Sure, but how else do you explain why the best-selling artificial meat product on the market today - is called the “Impossible Burger?”

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johnnyrobish 8 May 30
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All I can hear is Bugs Bunny saying, "What a maroon."


Incredibly stupid

bobwjr Level 10 May 30, 2022

If I had my way, I would rub her nose in the excrement of her own monumental ignorance, stupidity and arrogance.

anglophone Level 9 May 30, 2022

She is priceless, if you made up a character this dumb and put her in a book, a good editor would make you edit her out as too unbelievable.

Welcome to the monumental shenanigans of the United $tates of Absurdity. 🙂


I think she's trying to copy Fox News and can't keep the gibberish straight.
For instance, Larry Kudlow said on Fox Business that some beer isn't completely vegan [] . Very few people make beer with anything but plants.

And did she really use the term 'Peach Tree dish'? A 'Petri dish' (named after German bacterIologist Julius Richard Petri) is for growing microorganisms. It has nothing to do with fuzzy fruit.

She seems to think that speaking as many words as possible is better than speaking words that have rational meaning. Unfortunately with today's GQP, she could be right.

RichCC Level 8 May 30, 2022

She is certainly removing all doubt about her being a fool.


She has taken leave of her senses. Gazpacho/Gestapo. Peach tree dishes/petri dishes. New roncells/ neuron cells.

Artificial Intelligence? No intelligence, real, artificial or otherwise.

anglophone Level 9 May 30, 2022

I bet she is probably the second smartest person she knows?

Oh, the visions of Trumpty Dumpty being confronted with his own manifest and culpable stupidity makes me smile. 🙂


I wonder if she can use a slide ruler or play a licorice stick?

I would guess that she does not even know what a guessing stick looks like, much less how to use one. (Terrible pun/joke intended.)


She is batshit crazy. I don't understand why anyone would vote for her.

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