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Five People Dead at Tulsa Medical Center in the 233rd Mass Shooting This Year

NPR reports that at least 5 people, including the shooter, are dead at the St. Francis Medical Center in Tulsa, Oklahoma - in the nation’s 233rd mass shooting of 2022. Police say the shooter had a rifle and a handgun on him, and died following a self-inflicted gunshot wound.

So, the gunman killed 4 people and then took his own life? Gee, why is it these morons always seem to do everything in the wrong order? Naturally, Republicans’ first question is “Forget about the people, are the guns OK?” Not surprisingly, the gun told authorities it’s completely innocent, claiming it was the “bullets” that did all the damage.

Now, I assume because this shooting took place at a medical facility, folks like Marjorie Taylor Greene and the Republicans are gonna blame everything on Obamacare. Which kind of makes you wonder, where the hell were “the good nurses with a gun” when all this came down? See, this is what can happen when you have a “gun-free” medical center.

Well, perhaps this time, those Libtards will finally listen to the NRA and Republicans and implement some “common-sense changes” to prevent this kind of tragedy from occurring again. Simple changes, such as arming all doctors and nurses, making hospital gowns out of Kevlar instead of cotton, putting gun turrets on all hospital beds, and lastly - making sure medical centers have no doors or windows whatsoever. Problem solved!

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johnnyrobish 8 June 2
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So it really does amount to a little more than one a day....


Has to stop

bobwjr Level 10 June 2, 2022

Gun violence and mass shootings are so common now that it has become the norm. I think the whole country would go into shock if it suddenly stopped.

Since the elites are not targeted, I doubt anything will change.

Betty Level 8 June 2, 2022

I asked my repub son why America is the only Country with this problem of gun violence and his response was it’s not the guns fault mom it’s the people who use them. I responded in my opinion the problem is too many guns too easily obtained. He had no response other than the 2nd amendment says we can have guns. 😕

@Redheadedgammy That 2nd. amendment really needs an overhaul. At the time it was written the NRA did not exist and neither did the assault weapons used today.

Maybe a law should be put in place that allows only weapons that were in existence at the time the 2nd. amendment was introduced. Flintlock pistols and muskets.

@Betty I always wonder why they skip the part about a well regulated militia. There was nothing in the second amendment that said every person in this country should be allowed to have a gun. The NRA is behind all of that bullshit.

@Redheadedgammy I agree. 🙂

Like I have said before, I'm starting to think that targeted assassinations against the rich, corporate CEOs, and some pols might not be a bad idea if we want any real change for the better in our system...because right now they really don't fear or care about the masses. During the 60s, the ruling class had some of that fear, and that's why, for the last time in my lifetime, they made some concessions to improve things for the masses.

@TomMcGiverin I get what you're saying. They feel protected so they don't care what happens to the rest of society. The initial idea of government was for the people by the people. Now it's for the politicians supported by the people.

Government is just a long term pyramid scam. The larger the base the more powerful and unconcerned they become. All laws, rules, regulations, and policies are crafted to their benefit but promoted as, in the best interest of the country. They have crafted they own language (political speak), that implies one thing but means another which keeps the population confused.

Government is also a master at creating division and dissention by pitting demographics against each other, allowing them to exploit fear and take more rights away giving government more power.

All pyramid schemes crumble in time. We are seeing the cracks as more and more of the populations loses faith and confidence in the governing body.

My grandfather told me that the biggest mistake society made was allowing the government to take taxes directly from the paychecks. We gave up our bargaining power in exchange for convenience.

@Betty I agree with everything you're saying except I don't think government by itself is the problem, the problem in the US, unlike most so-called democracies, is that ours is way more corrupted by money from donors, the federal level, than other countries. If we had either strong campaign finance laws regulating contributions to pols, or better yet, publicly financed campaigns and shortened campaign seasons, plus free air time for all qualified candidates, we would not have federal pols who care only about their donors. If our government was not so bought off, the rich and corporate CEOS would not feel so protected and insulated from what they do to the masses, even with their security details, as they would not be so above the law and having to face consequences for their evil, but they own the pols who work for them, so they fear nothing for the actions because their government, not ours, will never punish or regulate them.

As for seeing the cracks, we are becoming like the old Soviet Union, where the majority lost faith in the system and even the military would no longer defend the system. But look what they ended up with instead. I think we are in for an even worse outcome when it all collapses.

@TomMcGiverin You are correct, big business supports and controls government policies for their own benefit.

I see the structure as a three sided pyramid. Government on one side, big business, and religion on the other sides, each supporting the upper levels by controlling the population supporting the base.

I think as religions are losing and are unable to regain their supporters, government and big business are trying to force religion back into schools and the daily lives of the population as evidenced by the GOP.

@Betty That makes perfect sense, as religion is great for social control in softer ways than government is able to do it. And corporations would rather have compliant, obedient workers than have to use harsher tactics like they did in the days of private detectives, etc..


Another day, another shooting, another hum-ho for the United $tates of Absurdity where life is cheap and the Congressmen and the Congresswomen are more interested in lining their own pockets than looking after the people they purport to represent.

anglophone Level 9 June 2, 2022

You speak my language. 🙂

Sadly many of our representatives don’t care a bit about our needs after they get our vote!


Come and get yer guns! We can remove all but one door, and screen for mental problems all at the same time. Just don't go to the supermarket. Or to school. Or a hospital. Or,,,,,,,

Stay indoors. Hide in your cellars. Putin's puppets are coming after you.


The assailant will barely get 15 minutes of posthumous fame there are so many of these horrendous acts.

Am so sick of this and the failure of the government to act as other countries have done.

MizJ Level 8 June 2, 2022

Same... it's infuriating!!

@JonnaBononna If one values human life then action beyond "thoughts and prayers" would be a priority.

@MizJ Right on. 🙂

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