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Marjorie Taylor Greene and ‘Freedom Caucus’ Declare War on Gun Bill Republicans

With fellow members of the House “Freedom Caucus” looking on, Marjorie Taylor Greene took to the podium and declared that the fourteen Republican Senators who voted in favor of the gun bill should be voted out of office, basically because of their willingness to work with Democrats to pass legislation.

Wow, they really ought to turn all this Republican Party turmoil into a video game - “MAGAs vs RINOs.” Now, is it just me, or does it seem a little odd that a “Freedom Caucus,” wouldn’t allow their fellow Republicans the “freedom” to vote as they so choose on issues like gun legislation? But, I get where Greene’s coming from on this. After all, how dare these damn RINOs break party protocol - and show a shred of human decency! Why, any evangelical can tell you God has forbidden people to hold opinions differing from Greene’s or Trump’s.

That said, looking at this photo, it’s interesting to see how everyone in the “Freedom Caucus” is just standing quietly behind Marjorie Taylor Greene and letting her do all the talking. Why, could that mean Greene is actually the best and the brightest “Freedom Caucus” has to offer? Hell, they’ve also got Lauren Boebert standing back there, and I know for a fact she passed her GED not long ago on only her 3rd try. Why, in today’s Republican Party, that practically makes her a scholar. Well, no problem! Besides, what could go possibly wrong with “Marge in Charge?”

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johnnyrobish 8 June 23
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Too early in the day for this picture!!!!
Feeling nauseous before I read your piece.......

AnneWimsey Level 9 June 23, 2022

It’s so sad that fools like these people are in charge of the repub party. There truly is no intelligence left in that party.


Meanwhile, her husband was investing 250k in "woke" businesses like Disney.


Oooo target practice


The dipshit caucus

bobwjr Level 10 June 23, 2022

I wonder where she hid her broomstick in that photo.

anglophone Level 9 June 23, 2022

You really don't want to know


They find the worst and the dimmest..


She truly has more than one screw loose.

Jolanta Level 9 June 23, 2022
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