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This is something interesting I have been thinking about. Does anyone else find it very disturbingly ironic/suspect that for all that conservative christian nationalists seemingly rant & complain about such as critical race theory, BLM, Antifa, LGBTQ, anyone not christian, secularism, Communists, Immigrants, etc, NOT ONCE have I seen or heard them ever mention anything about the indigenous native people of the U.S. or any other country in the Americas for that matter. I feel that it is because it makes them uncomfortable thinking about what their ancestors potentially did by discriminating against, subjugating, tricking and stealing their land, and ultimately commiting out right genocide against the native people of this country. Thinking about this makes me disgusted and sad.

isaiahfzell1990 4 July 12
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It's called suppression. When you can manage to suppress information towards attempting to control the narrative you have the potential to erase or change history. The mistake you've made here is placing it squarely onto the conservative brand titles. Our entire democratic brand titles, along with those mentioned in the title of this group, along with our entire apparatus of MSCM and MSMs, with the European countries that make up NATO, have been doing the exact same thing since 2014 in regards to Ukrainegate. Facts and history have been vastly distorted and or suppressed to gain the acceptance from the western societies to fund and support what has been a genocide campaign on the Russian speaking people of the Donbass regions for over 8 years now. Which began with an illegal overthrow of a democratically elected government in Ukraine in 2014 by the Obama--Biden administration. Kicking off a cancel culture of Russian hate for geopolitical strategies in hopes to strangle another country for its resources. You have to be sleeping through democratic times of rule to mis the fact that they have also been responsible for these same crimes on humanity mentioned above and below over the entire time this country was falsely given a title of being a free and democratic republic.


I think you pretty well nailed it. They know they have no right to talk about the Native Americans the way they do every other group that they hate and claim are not fit to be called Americans, because they know that all their ancestors came here AFTER the natives had already been here for centuries. They know, deep down inside, that THEY, the whites who came from Europe, are the outsiders and invaders, so they keep quiet about the natives. I share your disgust and sadness about it.


Europeans have been in the Americas, both North and South a long time. At this point Native American's are part of damn near everyone's ancestry. I don't care who you are there's an Indian hiding in the woodpile, and I'm proud of mine and love studying the accomplishments of those ancestors. Like the Inca road, it was at least 40,000 kilometres, or if metrics scare you then about 25,000 miles long. There's nothing in Asia or Europe that surpasses their genius, at best it may be equal. We have mummies from the Florida bogs that are 9,000 years old we found in 1982, at a time when anthropologist assumed there were no textiles, humans just wore animal skins. But the mummies were held down by cloth blankets that were tent poled to the bottom to keep the body submerged.
So the oldest piece of textile on Earth was found in Florida, in a bog. Left by people that held such burials for 1,600 years or so.
Native culture is fascinating.
My paternal Grandmother's Nation was the Chickasaw, I was under the impression for a couple of decades she had been Choctaw. Both Nations were forced to travel to Oklahoma on the trail of tears, in the early 1800's before the civil war. the Chickasaw on the reservations merged with the Choctaw. But some managed to escape the trail of tears and that was her Grandmother who was pregnant at the time and hid. So we're talking about some of the last of a Nation of people. I can't claim the culture, but I love that these strong women are my ancestors, more so then my European ancestor that sold his two children into indentured servitude for gambling debts to a man that moved them from England to New England. That's why I tell people my ancestry is eurotrash, or assorted crackers.
My father, who was at one time in the KKK, was proud of his European culture, and it shames me to know he was ashamed of his own mothers people.

My first wife, and the mother of my children, was part Indian. I do not know which tribe but it would have been one that was located between Missoula and Great Falls. I used to know the name where they were located and there was at one time a museum where I met my children's great grandfather, a person who personally knew Jeremiah Johnson. I no longer know names, but I wish I did.

@isaiahfzell1990 It's a shame most U.S. citizens have no real idea of how advanced those cultures were. The Inca had the single largest empire in human history, until the Mongolians at least.

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