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Melania Too Busy Fulfilling First Lady Duties to Be Aware of Jan 6th Violence

In a recent interview with Fox News, former First Lady Melania Trump claimed that during the January 6th Capitol insurrection, she was completely unaware of the violence going on, because she was “busy fulfilling one of my duties as First Lady of the United States of America,” which actually turned out to be having her carpet photographed.

You mean no one in the entire White House bothered to tell her there was a terrorist attack going on over at the Capitol? Yeah, we believe that - sure! And, the reason Melania was unaware of the insurrection, was because she was having her “carpet” photographed? Now, come on! That’s gotta be a euphemism, right? I mean, I thought she’d left that career behind when she moved into the White House.

You can just bet she made damn sure the carpet matched the drapes before she summoned the photographer. Anyway, a lot of people feel she was just a “do-nothing” First Lady, but I’ve gotta give her credit for one thing, her "Christmas in Hell" themed White House Holiday decorations were pretty innovative. Man, that shit was right out of a Stephen King film.

So, it’s pretty obvious that Melania Trump is a compulsive liar just like her husband. What is perhaps even scarier, is the fact that they know we know they are lying, yet they still act so indignant about it all - as if it were actually the truth. Oh well! Frankly, I’m over it. In fact, I’ve just picked up a brand new jacket, with a message on the back that reads “I really don’t care (about her), do U?”

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johnnyrobish 8 July 22
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Gaslighting from the narcissistic former FLOTUS🤬

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