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LINK DA suspended by DeSantis describes 'Orwellian thought police' treatment as he was hauled out of his office

This guy. 🤬 Someone better stop DeSantis sooner than later.

He actually thinks, just like Trump, without the batshit crazy. 😳


SeaGreenEyez 9 Aug 7
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"Let's be clear, this isn't about anything I have done," [Hillsborough County DA Andrew Warren] began. "This is about what I've said. The statements that I signed onto were value statements expressing my opposition to legislation that was being considered and passed that was violating people's constitutional rights."

Given that this is true, Biden needs to instruct the DoJ to investigate and prosecute this under 18 USC 242 - abuse of Authority Under Color of Law, and 18 USC 371 - Conspiracy (involving DeSantis, the Deputy, and probably the Sheriff).

mcgeo52 Level 8 Aug 8, 2022

HOLY SHIT! This is what is in store if de-satan runs for president and wins. The scary thing about him he isn't as ugly or old as trump. Is he really that popular in Florida?

He's also a lot smarter than Trump. A whole lot smarter.

He graduated from Yale and Harvard Law. Unlike the last two Republicans occupying the Oval Office, DeSantis' degrees were not participation trophies.

@mcgeo52 I knew there was another reason de-satan is so scary. He is cunning as well as smart. A scary motherfucker.


That is why he will unseat Trump as the candidate of choice in 2024 for the fascist Right. DeSatan is getting his agenda done!

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