3 10

Facebook DMs lead to arrest of a mother and daughter for using a Plan B pill 2 weeks too late. Acting on a tip, law enforcement used a Subpoena to gain access to the parties' data. Facebook turned over all data quickly and without legal challenge.


SeaGreenEyez 9 Aug 10
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The Hypocrisy of the Zuckster is a deep as his Metaverse..the only thing Fb protects is their bottom line..and Rightwing Trumpsters...

Charlene Level 9 Aug 11, 2022

Been saying it for years, everyone needs to delete their Facebook.

@FvckY0u I feel like I should delete this app too. I don't believe it's even a tenth as egregious as FB, but I spend way more time than I should arguing with idiots on here.

@FvckY0u Well, you won't have to look far to find someone that thinks it's a travesty Trump got raided, that all abortion should be illegal, or that vaccines are bullshit.

@FvckY0u Lyme disease is going to be a HUGE problem in the coming years because of climate change. It's notoriously hard to diagnose, even for doctors that work in areas that see Lyme disease. But the breeding ground and breeding time are expanding and the dying off period is shrinking, so there are going to be tons of doctors that are stumped long enough for it to be too late for the patient and permanent effects set in. But I'm sure all that's just a liberal hoax.


Zuckerberg is a rat bastard 🤬

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