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LINK Ireland set to form special committee to consider legalizing assisted suicide

I find sanity in following global news. I watch progress from afar.

SeaGreenEyez 9 Aug 14
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In the US, such a proposal would be DOA...

Krish55 Level 8 Aug 14, 2022

The people of Oregon, Washington D.C., Hawaii, Washington, Maine, Colorado, New Jersey, California, and Vermont would disagree with you.

It was a pun.
But most legislatures are indeed moribund...

@Krish55 I was pointing out the states where assisted death is legal.

@glennlab I know, and thanks.


After being the primary hospice caregiver for a parent this makes more sense than ever before.

MizJ Level 8 Aug 14, 2022

@SeaGreenEyez When one is the primary hospice caregiver for a family member the experience is intense and complex. There are all the chores and stress of any caregiving layered with grief and being freaked out. There are some wonderful moments mixed in.

Three of my relatives have done home hospice. The person is far less stressed and comfortable. As they get closer to passing allowing assisted suicide would be a kindness. The final stage is brutal for all involved and unnecessary, it adds nothing to their life.


I have mixed feelings, but as long as there are safeguards in place, it should be a right.

glennlab Level 10 Aug 14, 2022

I’ve always thought it was so strange that we Americans think nothing of making the decision for our pets who are old and frail and in pain but we can’t do that for one another as human beings. 🤔

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