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I am thankful for parents that I have never heard utter any racist remarks

Unity 8 Aug 24
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Great human being. Never heard racist remarks growing up but I was aware my mom did not want me to ever marry a Black man. She actually said that to me at the end of the sex talk when she was trying to explain the monthly cycle I would soon be transitioning into.
As I was not at all interested in boys the whole thing literally made NO sense.
Never understood the issue - hating on others because they are different - but the history of American racism I learned via Heather Cox Richardson books and youtube videos explains a lot. I just wish more people would get educated beyond what is taught in grades 1 thru 12.


Steak at $.88 a pound?
I wanna go back in time…

Krish55 Level 8 Aug 25, 2022

So do I. I didn't notice that


A great man, great inspiration to others. So many people hated on him and used his stance against the Vietnam War to spew vitriol. He went to jail for his convictions even though the Army, when he was drafted, promised he would be in the "cushy" military entertainment division. He could have gone to Europe and continued to box and to make millions.

Yes he was a great man. He would have been even greater if he had resisted religion. Even so he was very much a moderate. I wish I had never heard racist remarks from my parents. My whole family was very racist. One of the many reasons I have no contact with them anymore.

@Theresa_N Thankfully you are not easily influenced by the thoughts of others. 👍

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