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In case you haven’t figured it out yet, the reason that the right wing is so upset with Biden’s forgiving student loans is that this is an economic stimulus of massive proportions. The interesting thing about it is that since there has been a moratorium on student loan payments, this will not have an inflationary impact.

This will have a very positive impact on the economy timed perfectly for the midterm elections. Those on the right who think Biden is senile have made the classic mistake of underestimating their opposition.

Dark Brandon strikes again!

mcgeo52 8 Aug 26
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Actually, what you're describing is the common art of tribal division. How it is used by both parties to keep citizens engulfed in sectarian atmospheres, mostly when those parties have no intentions to genuinely confront an important social issue. Biden's forgiving bill will do very little to help but to a very few. The few it will help will be determined in the future which I hope will soon be exposed by some independent sources as details come out.

One thing you did mention of importance is the timing. In which I hope those details come out before the election takes place. Not that it will do people like myself any good as so many are easily distracted from the crimes and unethical practices he has been involved in. Most will now think Biden has done something, like hold to a promise he made in 2020, when he actually has betrayed it and us.

During the 2020 cycle the promise was to raise taxes on billionaires to help pay for student loans. Along with a number of other social issues mentioned during those debates which were being wrapped up in seemingly one neat package. That package, as people like myself warned would happen, was broken down, diminished, vastly, and cost put onto the citizenship. Or unable to manage at all. The most recent one was the sell out on fossil fuel use. You seem to have made the mistake I mentioned above? With that accomplished distraction, we should all be wondering what we're being distracted from today. I assure you we are being distracted.

I haven't had time to go through the articles from my sources on this loan issue yet, which are in the beginning throws of dissecting it, but it's obviously apparent to them that Biden has managed to pull another con job that is essentially of little help. More of a perception management program of deceit. But the Green Party put out a comment yesterday that exposes the level of hypocrisy in regards to the degree citizens get help from our government compared to unethical businesses and corporations.

PPP loans forgiven: 80%
Average amount forgiven: $95,700
Total amount forgiven: $632 Billion
Interest rate PPP repayment: 1% fixed

Student loans forgiven: 0.58%
Total amount forgiven: $25 Billion
Average monthly payment: $393
Interest rate federal student loans: 5% - 6.54%

Don't be surprised if we find out in time that the beneficiaries to this loan forgiving end up going to people that don't really need it. From the standards on the numbers above, they essentially resemble the numbers of wealth distribution which favors primarily the top 1%. I'm not a republican supporter either. I dissent against both criminal establishment parties. They both know what they're doing here because it's a collaboration between both parties at the end of the day. Each day, all year long, every year.

BTW--if you don't think the loan companies and ruling class didn't have any involvement in the design of this, then you haven't been coherently paying attention to how policy development works within our government. It's owned by the very people who are most likely attempting to manage a certain perception with this timely minor accomplishment.


I love that “Dark Brandon”!! The repubs are just angry as hell because Biden is getting so much done for regular people and the idiot repubs have nothing but hate and fear. 😉

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