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LINK Biden campaign paperwork not sign of a re-election launch | The Independent

Nothing. I've got nothing to say about this.


SeaGreenEyez 9 Aug 30
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I sincerely hope the Dems can come up with a viable candidate for 2024, & that isn't Joe (nor Kamala).
Unfortunately the Party will likely screw things up...

phxbillcee Level 10 Aug 30, 2022

@SeaGreenEyez I'm still an Elizabeth Warren fan, as far as running for Prez, & I'd love to see Bernie as VP. Whether this is viable depends on not just them, but the whole Dem Party getting their messaging together. Whether the Orange Turd runs again or not, they have to have more of a platform than just "We're not tRump". They have the high ground on so many issues, they just have to FINALLY learn how to articulate & message it properly...

@SeaGreenEyez I love Bernie, but IMHO, & tho I have absolutely no problem with it, as I identify as such, his tag as a "Socialist", with all the baggage & misinformation that goes with it, may make him a hard sell to too many, stupid as it is. I think with him in the Veep position, & given significant responsibilities, a Progressive ticket may be able to win.
I otherwise agree with your statement. Buttigeige in a Cabinet position is fine, even Harris in one is acceptable, but I wouldn't want to see them in the top spots. &, the idea of Gavin Newsom running I believe is dead in the water. I can't think of any other viable candidates, tho time will tell...


Pretty much standard fare, as long as the campaign paperwork is current, he can continue to raise funds and distribute them to other candidates as he chooses.

glennlab Level 10 Aug 30, 2022

They say when senators look in the mirror they see the seal of the presidency. I'm certain the same thing can be said about presidents. Ego knows no bounds.

@Theresa_N While that is true for many, there are some with cooler heads that have reached the top of their mountain. I don't know of any person that has held the presidency that didn't want a second term, and most that got a second term wanted a third. The only president that did not seek a second term was LBJ, and that was because his doctors told him that a campaign would kill him, and the few campaign events he held for Humphrey almost did. Unless Joe ends up with a similar condition, I don't see him stepping aside. He was not my first choice, or even my second choice, but if he survives the primaries, I will vote for him again,

@glennlab Yep, I'm surely not voting for a Rethug, no matter who it is...

@glennlab where did I say anything about not voting for him? The question isn't whether one should or should not vote for him if he is the nominee, it's whether he should run. In my opinion I think he needs someone he respects to tell him he's too old, that he no longer can meet the demands of the office. He's very old and shows many signs of decline.

@Theresa_N I didn't say that you wouldn't vote for him, and I'm sorry if it came across that way. It would be good if he did the LBJ thing, but I doubt that he will. It is still a year before the campaign starts and I am hoping.

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