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LINK 'I Prepaid': White Worker on Unpaid Leave After Twitter Floods His Employer After He Allegedly Steals Gas from Woman, Calls Her a ‘Black B**ch’

While I don't find this male Karen to be all that noteworthy, I do find the company he works for as deplorable as police unions and other racist apologists.

It's right there on video. Why do these tools think the general public can not/does not know how to read and/or watch and listen?

Investigation. Investigation into what??? He stole her pre-paid gas to put in the company van he was driving, muttered about white privilege then called her a Black Bitch.


SeaGreenEyez 9 Aug 30
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I don’t know what the company could not figure out by watching the video, or why they have to do an investigation. It was all there to see. The guy took gas from a pump that was across from his vehicle. Very simple. He should be fired and the company should get ready for a lawsuit!

@SeaGreenEyez I find it unbelievable that the company didn’t fire him on the spot after watching that video. This tells me there are some racist bigots in that company! Hope the heat keeps going up for the company if they don’t fire that bigot!

@Redheadedgammy if you drive 40 miles outside's the Old South Rules mentality..Hell Cummings Georgia actually had a sign on Ga.Rt 400 that stated "N****rs Not Welcome"..that was in it's ingrained with the inbreds.


For CYA reasons, especially if a Union might be involved, going thru the "steps", including some type of investigation is prudent. It ends up as to what the outcome is that will determine much. & I guarantee this will be followed thru with, the company knows the public is closely watching this, this won't be able to just be swept under the rug...

phxbillcee Level 10 Aug 30, 2022

One day I prepaid for my fuel and a guy had the pump handle in his hand getting ready to steal my gas when I came outside. Fortunately there were others around because not thinking I snatched the handle from him and screamed WTF at him. There was a guy nearby that looked to see what the commotion was and figured out the situation and kept an eye out for me. The witness gave me a slight nod which was reassuring and waited for me to finish pumping the gas and leave.

MizJ Level 8 Aug 30, 2022

That's weird that someone would try that... I mean you're right there, though inside. I used to own an ARCO AM/PM (1980's) when customers had to come in the store to pay, but it was a small station where we and the customers are mere steps away from the pumps in full view, so never had that kind of attempt. Sometimes someone would mistakenly grab the wrong nozzle. Most people learned to put the nozzle in first then paid, and it would beep inside and there'd be no mistake as to who was using what, even if they told us the wrong number we could correct them. Since then the pay-at-the-pump technology has been used, which is how I always buy it. I never walk away from the pump and always get a receipt. I was considering moving to Oregon where I learned you can't even pump your own gas, which is really weird. When I was a kid I was a pump jockey and respect the job, but don't think I could live where it's illegal to pump your own gas.

@AlbertSchepis It happened at a station that was right off I-95 and was large and busy. In hindsight they were probably watching for a woman by herself. Now I drive couple of blocks away from interstates where it's mostly locals.


Yup, it's the New Old South on display..

Charlene Level 9 Aug 30, 2022
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