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Baptist Bill Grady Spreading Racist Christian Nationalism

Bill Grady is a Baptist preacher traveling from church to church, giving guest sermons that spread a terrifying message: People of European ancestry have been appointed by the Christian god to rule the Earth, and in order to achieve this, Christian Nationalists in America are preparing for a genocide of non-Christians that will require "one billion body bags".

Bill Grady justifies these plans for massive violence on a prophecy from Chapter 9 of Genesis, which he refers to as the "enlargement of Japheth". This prophecy is also often referred to as the Curse of Ham. It's the Christian doctrine that justified slavery and the slaughter of people indigenous to North America, and Bill Grady is encouraging his followers to plan for a repetition of this violence.

Selections from Bill Grady's sermons:

"It is a bible position. When you push, when you attack white people for white privilege and white power and white this and white that, listen, that’s an attack on god. He said the Europeans were going to be the folks that were going to run the world one day."

"All these charges of white supremacy and white privilege, if you’ve got a problem with that, go talk to god. He put that in the bible a long time ago."

"America knew god and told god where to go now. We’re going to be the ones filling up those body bags, because Peter reminds us that judgment must begin at the house of god, not the heathens. They don’t know any better. They’ll get theirs later."

For more about Bill Grady's violent Christian Nationalism, see Japheth and the White Supremacy at the Heart of Christian Nationalism.

CliffordCook 6 Sep 7
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There is zero difference between religions who kill gay teens scared into suicide and this gawdly gangster Grady encouraging racist genocide


This guy is like that now dead gay-hating nutcase preacher Fred Phelps. He needs to be repeatedly humiliated and ridiculed by frequent pies in the face at public events. The sick thing is, his followers are brutal and crazy enough to shoot and kill anyone that had the guts to pie him. And in some parts of the country, they would walk free after doing it..

Westboro baptist cULT = presbyterians for TrumpOLiNi

The cure for any rabid theocrat has always been Militant Feminiat Atheism.....impeach the 6 Vatican gangaters of the US Sup Ct for violating Article 6 US CONSTITUTION " NO religious test shall EVER be required for ANY office or public trust under THESE United States. " Defining an induced abortion as kiling a "person" inside a real woman person body is purely a religious definition neither scientific nor secular. ROE v WADE waa 100% scientific and secular protecting women from religious laws ....the Vatican is a racist terrorist genocidal theocracy every year since 1450 establishing " Admiralty Law"


What a dickhead this guy is!

No kidding. One of my goals is to collect a list of the churches where this guy gives his white supremacist, antisemitic, Christian Nationalist sermons. People need to be aware when there are churches that spread the hate.

@CliffordCook Good idea! Expose this schmuck for the lying White supremacist he is.

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