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One of the jefferson davis estates is a museum that presents this false history.

Dave375 Level 6 Sep 9, 2022

A twenty year old christian neighbor explained to me I didn't understand slavery. I was so grateful.
I haven't spoken to him since.

Ah, the arrogance of the ignorant.

Anyone that young and arrogant has a long way to go before he should be talking to anyone again, if ever. So stupid. I'd avoid him too. Nothing to see here... nothing at all.


Guess we could always sell his sorry white ass to East African slavers..just to see if his premise is correct..

Charlene Level 9 Sep 8, 2022

If the book bans and other forms of whitewashing become more prevalent in our education system this is what kids may learn. I went to public schools in the Northeast and wasn't taught about the true brutality of slavery, the genocide of indigenous peoples, and other atrocities.

MizJ Level 8 Sep 8, 2022

No one anywhere were taught those things.

@JonnaBononna The truth hurts, lies are worse.

@MizJ absolutely

@JonnaBononna I was taught about those things in the Illinois public school system. I graduated in 1993. It may have depended on teacher's discretion rather than mandatory curriculum.

@Dave375 The discretion of the teacher matters but the choice of textbooks also matters.

@SeaGreenEyez I was taught about slavery, but only that it existed. I wasn't taught, for example, that slaves were brought to America crammed into ships like cattle, as in the picture before, or about how many died on the trip, or how kids were sold away from their mothers, or how female slaves were raped by masters. I wasn't taught the true brutality of the United States of America.

@SeaGreenEyez yep, I grew up in rural Missouri. Being in the south now, I don't think guilt plays a role. I think much of the south still sees other races as less than human. They are able to make exceptions to those they get to know (if they have black grandchildren for example). Then because they love their grandchildren, they figure they can't be racist‐ is just that all the rest of the black people are terrible humans!

@SeaGreenEyez @JonnaBononna @Dave375 Interesting how different our school experiences were. I would call my exposure to that information in my school in the Northeast superficial, our town was almost all white and middle class. Maybe it was sanitized to shield us from anything that would disrupt what I call that White Picket World. When I was a little kid my cousins and I played hide and seek in their house that was built in the 1750s and had been part of the Underground Railroad. The cubby holes hidden under the stables were still there. I knew that no one would endure that without a really good reason. It was a scary place that our parents had told us not to go but it left a hell of an impression on me.

@SeaGreenEyez But did they teach about the Mountain Meadows Massacre: where zealous Mormons killed 120 people that were part of an immigrant wagon train?

We got the heavy dose of the founding of America, the places the founders lived, the battlefields and how it was all rainbows and glad times with the Native Peoples. The Civil War that was taught was all dates and battles and to end slavery. Field trips to Philadelphia, NY and WA DC. All pretty superficial.

@SeaGreenEyez, @JonnaBononna That sums it up nicely. I see that with white folk around here who have Mexican American grandkids. Their relatives came here the "right" way. All those hoards at the border are dagerous and the DACA should not be given an easier way to citizenship. It's just all so sad.

@SeaGreenEyez, @JonnaBononna, @MizJ That exactly what was covered in my school. Also raised in a white suburb. Highschool was different, it was 70% white and 30% black. But still the same non covering of the real facts.


Lock him in a sun tanning bed until he is nice and brown then send him out to the cotton fields from sun up to sun down then send him to a shack for the night with scraps to eat. I bet he would change his tune then.

People like him have no idea what they are talking about and should just bite their tongues. 🤬

Betty Level 8 Sep 8, 2022

He is an asshole. I used to teach excerpts from Frederick Douglas's 3 autobiographies. His earliest said his life was pretty good, he even had time off and could visit family. Then, in that book, Douglas said it was still slavery and his life wasn't his as he could be shipped down the river. That, in and of itself was a touching statement. By his third book, he opened up about physical abuse as well, abuse that occurred from his "good" owner.

@SeaGreenEyez It is easy to say some - in reality, sure some probably were, to who knows what degree, nicer than most. Samuel Clemens, or Mark Twain, spoke of the slaves his father owned. Clemens' father had somehow acquired them (I think his brother died), and while he was against slavery, according to his son, he was too afraid of his neighbors to free the slaves until his death. No matter how "nice," slavery is evil. The bible and the koran both mention slaves, thus so many think it ok since their f'd up religion allows it. In the koran, it actually gives instructions on how to treat slaves - mostly better than women, like, if there isn't enough food, the slave gets to eat first (I doubt any slave owners ever followed that rule as muslims are as hypocritical as christians).


I wonder how Dennis Prager would feel if I owned him.

@SeaGreenEyez It should be cheap, he isn't worth much.

I would like that.


Dennis Prager is a tool, a bigot, a misogynist & one of those the Right look on as some sort of "intellectual" - hah! Just like Ben Shapiro & Jordan Peterson, full of Gish gallops, deepities, & obfuscation. A bunch of phonies all!

phxbillcee Level 10 Sep 8, 2022
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