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Please share this with all of your conservative family/friends. This has easy to understand graphics in big bold letters and colorful hues. And it's also true.

Inflation 101 For Dummies by Katie Porter.

SeaGreenEyez 9 Oct 25
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And yet that motherfucker Fed Chairman Powell has increase interest rates, destroying the housing market at a time when housing is in short supply (though partly due to Wall St. corps buying them up). But the real reason is to screw the economy and election under a Democrat president. Legal criminality.

racocn8 Level 9 Oct 26, 2022

Anything that gets people to thinking is too often too much for too many to even contemplate. After all, it's a lot easier (and self-satisfactory) to point fingers and blame.

JackPedigo Level 9 Oct 26, 2022

Katie Porter is a true gem and shining star! Love this woman!


Conservatives tend to disregard most facts, even if things are spelled out for them.

Dave375 Level 6 Oct 25, 2022

Have fun trying to get one single Conservative to watch this. About as likely as them watching Al Gore’s Inconvenient Truth.


Yup Vulture Capitalism at it's heartless, greedy finest..

Charlene Level 9 Oct 25, 2022
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