2 10

I'm no fan, but this is the most progressive speech I've seen a "leader" other than Sanders utter.

And those Republicans sitting there scowling and muttering to themselves is the best TV since Trump descended down that escalator.

SeaGreenEyez 9 Jan 7
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Only if you've been sleeping through the past 22 years, inflation is not being addressed. Growing inequality with the help of tax breaks, market manipulation, printing money out of thin air and bailouts since 2008, and current rises to interest rates. Current interest rate raises are also effecting employment rates negatively.

Only if you've been sleeping through the Ukraine crisis, addressing climate change has gone backwards. Europe is drastically moving backwards in the green energy sector and virtually, entirely, moved back to dirty fossil fuels usage. The US has lead this change within its manufactured Ukraine war with sanctions that are also effecting Africa's energy crisis, forcing them into more fossil use also, diverting them away from green energy.

Healthcare cost continue to rise every year putting more people into poverty each of those years. This one is really a no brainer. It's quite embarrassing for the human race that anyone would fall for this fallacy. Any of the above actually. It only proves how uninformed and indoctrinated so many are.

Lower energy cost!?! That's so fucking absurd you're pathetic to buy into it. That's purely speak of a servant to the ruling class. Which this guy is. So I'll stop there. There's no reason to go any further into this delusional reality. If you want a realistic view of Hakeem Jeffries, take a read of real black progressive ideology on their take of him. You'll have to come out of your rabbit hole and into reality for it though. Even MLK might be tempted bitch slap this POS.

Hakeem Jeffries and the Railroad Workers ----- []


His speech was inspired..unlike Speaker McSpineless..

Charlene Level 9 Jan 7, 2023

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