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LINK Chasten Buttigieg worries his new LGBTQ children's book could be banned

I'm probably not going to be popular after I type this, but....

Just STOP it. Read the room. Now is not the time to be poking the bear. 18 months is a short period of time in American politics and we need to be focused on voting the bitches of the Republican Party out of office, not engaging in culture wars. They kick the shit out of Democrats in culture wars and we've got NO judiciary power at the moment.

Play politics until AFTER next November, even if it stings to do so.

I literally have to bite my tongue every single day because I live in a place in which my thoughts/feelings/ideas are not at all accepted. But common sense overrides my utter disdain for the masses here. It's how to accomplish my own personal goals. To get to somewhere better, I have to sit down and STFU.

Patience. Timing matters. Forethought. Risk vs reward. #FFS 😣

SeaGreenEyez 9 May 16
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It's just so difficult to not send that single finger salute to all the MAGAs with that crap on their cars!

MizJ Level 8 May 16, 2023

Why the the fuck are you SDASTFU?..8nstead of you feeling uncomfortable, turn it around and make them feel staying silent you're Allowing them to control You..yeah He's being whiney..if he's upset about it He needs to call out those homophobes by name and shine a light on them..You always defend yourself bravely on need to do so IRL..

Charlene Level 9 May 16, 2023

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