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LINK Minnesota pays trans inmate $495,000 and moves her to women's prison

Some are saying this shall have national implications.

I don't believe that.

Many of us thought George Floyd was the change we've waiting/worked for decades and decades and decades, to see. We thought the global attention and outrage would be a force necessary to change policing in America. We were sadly, so very wrong. It did nothing but make the monetary settlements larger. And that, punishes those of us who pay taxes. It's America's go-to. Throw around some cash, no need to do anything more than that, and not at the governments expense, that would be ridiculous. 😔

George Floyd proved one man's tragedy can emotionally move the entire world, but nothing changes the social ills in America. Sadly.

(But good for Minnesota . At least the entire Midwest isn't a lost cause.) 👍

SeaGreenEyez 9 June 3
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It would be good if this were a federal law.


This is happening because the money that is paid out comes from taxpayers and not from the institutions that are mentioned. Prisons and police forces are not paying this money so we get fooled into thinking it brings changes when higher taxes seems to be the only change here.

DenoPenno Level 9 June 4, 2023

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