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LINK Trump-appointed judge rejects Tennessee’s anti-drag law as too broad, too vague | Times Leader

Hmmm. Who would've thought? In the ruling,he makes it very clear that this particular law would lose, if the current SCOTUS were to take up the case.

Now that's some serious unconstitutionality. For a Trump Judge to ascert, in writing, that this bill wouldn't even hold up to this corrupt and conservative AF group of people, it's gotta be all sorts of wrong. 🙄🙄🙄

(And yes. I'm no longer even hopeful for two of the 3 "not conservative" Justices. This crap-ass Court sided for corporate greed 8-1 this past week. Only Ketanji Brown Jackson dissented. 😕 Someone that I was watching (don't remember who) made the point that she's simply too new to know better. Sadly, I've come to that conclusion. No hope for that body. At all. Especially when it came out that Sotamayor is in the same club as Thomas, just with a different billionaire benefactor.) 😤

SeaGreenEyez 9 June 3
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The move in any of this is to assert to us all that we only have "One America." This means they will change that law and refine it until only straight white nationalists are covered in any viewpoint. We all know this is not right and many of us are different so they are again creating the big lie. This is a position that Trump, DeSantis, and others cannot deal with but they also cannot change it. We are diversified and we are who we are.

DenoPenno Level 9 June 4, 2023

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