The United States of America is suffering from a myriad of systemic problems that have been ignored for decades. Some of these endemic crises are now hard to sweep under the rug; and other explosive and intractable issues are just around the corner. The shocking fact is that the disease has metastasized into many areas of the society — politics, economy, infrastructure, healthcare, foreign policy, and even at individual level. The only glue that’s holding this deeply fractured monument is the status of US dollar as the preferred global currency, but that’s facing a bleak future as well due to the rise of a multipolar world.
Shockingly, nobody in the U.S. has any ideas or even intention to acknowledge this free fall or let alone discuss solutions. Instead, people engage in blame game — “It’s the Democrats”… “It’s the Republicans”…”It’s that city or state”… “It’s the government”… “It’s the corporations”… “It’s the individual”…”It’s whites, blacks, Mexicans, China”… and so on. Result? The cancers keep spreading and the U.S. looks like the imploding Roman Empire in its final stage.
{But it’s not just infrastructure. Entire cities and small towns are collapsing all over America. Numerous cities like Detroit (photo below) have lost 60% or more of their population in the last few decades, turning into “ghost cities.” And thousands of small towns across the US look like just they did back in the 1950s, when America was “great.” Then there are dismal inner cities all over the US, full of crime, drugs, violence, poverty and decay.}
We have allowed pockets of what we created in Latin America to build right here in the US. Add homelessness to the list. We have more homeless people and those living in poverty than most of those countries have in populations. Our law enforcement in most of those areas are militant towards these people just the same as the paramilitary groups that raid and disappear people in those countries. What we created abroad, we allowed to be created here.
{America is a failed society in numerous ways. It’s a sign of economic decay, poor wages and exploitation. It’s also a sign of broken families, thanks to the endless social engineering that started with hedonism, drug culture, and extreme feminism that started in the 1960s. It’s a symptom of either a dysfunctional law enforcement that is incompetent to get rid of illegal drugs or, worse, American elites are deliberately pumping drugs into the society to weed out the weak, and perhaps profit from drug trafficking like the CIA did for decades.}
The only reason I didn't highlight "drug culture" was because our government spent decades falsely spewing that marijuana was the gateway to other drug use. No it wasn't. Alcohol and tobacco use was. It's what children grew up for decades learning from their parents or friends parents. It virtually invades every gathering, holiday, and so on. Ask yourselves why smoking was banned on TV while alcohol continued to be glorified. It's constantly being blasted on TV. It's part of the American culture that virtually everyone takes part in. No one can escape its lure. Eventually, anyone stepping into the realm of experimenting it will run across those who smoke pot also. Few talk pot around children until they're older and cut loose into society on their own.
Crack cocaine was a purposeful release in the 80s. Iran-Contra brought that on. Opium among the Asian's in China by the Brits, then in the US. Don't be surprised when you find out that the current heroin factor comes primarily from Afghanistan with a purpose either. Providing, at one point just years ago, 94% of the global use. With the help of the US military.
{The United States of America is also a mentally sick nation, with the highest use of antidepressants & psychotropic drugs — legal and abused. Tens of millions of people — including teens, preteens and toddlers — are on brain-altering Big Pharma drugs.
Why? Here’s the truth: It’s not because of “freedom.” It’s because of a combination of fake science peddled by Big Pharma and the social engineering that the elites have unleashed on Americans.}
And with that. Our healthcare system is basically ignorant to how the human brain actually works. If you find yourself with mental disabilities, you essentially become a lab rat for medications that either shouldn't be used, or they're simply taking stabs with any given medicine that can have any type of result. Basically it's the same as anyone who winds up with blood pressure issues or any other various types of issues where you hear, we'll see how this works and go from there. Only this is you brain on an experimental basis at the worse levels of ignorance. With our tax dollars going towards benefiting those corporations rather than genuinely seeking advancements in understanding the brain.
{At home, there will be severe austerity programs, leading to cutting down on government spending. Social security, welfare programs like food stamps, medicaid, infrastructure spending etc. will face draconian cuts. If you think crime and violence are bad now in the US, you ain’t seen nothing yet.}
These things have already been occurring since about mid 2000s after manufacturing the Iraq war. If you're actually paying close enough attention to even the MSM news today, you should be getting the sense these issues have already begun to tighten up. If your state hasn't already been finding ways to raise taxes to replace lost federal funds, I doubt there's many if any, count your blessings, for now. I guarantee you that what federal funding that is still coming, it's primarily going to corporations, along with the state and local taxes you pay to keep jobs in your area.
{There is no way that the USA can fix its problems. The only hope for the American Empire is to bring down others, especially Europe, Russia and China — the three other major powerhouses of the world. This is why the US desperately started the Ukraine war. However, it’s not going well. The US thought that if the “international community” — US and Europe — placed sanctions on Russia like they did on North Korea, the Russian economy would collapse. To their utter dismay, they found out that the Global South — where more than 80% of the people live — don’t give a hoot about America’s diktats anymore.}
This is a good time for me to remind you of my past comments of where eventually the world abroad will start pointing their fingers at us. We'll become the demonized. All this time where we've been used by the international ruling class as the worlds strong arm within their hegemony ends. It becomes only ours to take the blame for. Ours? Would be the citizenship. Because the filthy wealthy here can go where ever they want as they're done with us. Like when their terrorist groups can no longer serve a purpose, stomp them out. It's also a good time to remind you of Victoria Nuland's notorious remarks. "Fuck the EU." Right now many citizens of the EU are thinking, fuck who? There will come a point where they realize that they need Russia and China a hell of a lot more than the US. The only prospect we'll have left is a hope that Russia and China will look upon us within a greater sense of being part of the world community than our government gave them.
Very true and very real. In the end this will come back to bite us deeply. It is time our politicians see this and wake up.
Relying on the very politicians who led us into the shit show to get us out is basically supporting the shit show. They've all been essentially leading us into shit shows since the beginning of this America thing. It's the citizens who need to wake up!
Posted by William_MaryA symptom of perception management. The program was completed when the vast amount of the American citizenship became compliant to the delivery of MSM information. []
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Posted by KilltheskyfairyHappy Labor Day!
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Posted by KilltheskyfairyHappy Labor Day!
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