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Deception & Politics From Washington to Tel Aviv

U.S.-Israeli supremacist intentions, papered over and buried for decades, are now clear for all to see


{The Palestinian Authority (PA) tasked with limited government over parts of the occupied Palestinian territories by the now extinct Oslo Accords, has been reduced to an enforcement arm of the Israeli security state.

The Dec. 21 large-scale armed crackdown against Palestinian resistance groups in the Jenin refugee camp carried out by PA Security Forces exemplifies the extent of the collaboration.

It should be noted, that the assault was coordinated with Washington and Tel Aviv, and put under the direction of U.S. Army Lieutenant General Michael R. Fenzel, who has served as U.S. security coordinator of the Israel-Palestinian Authority since November 2021.

Clean Break strategists callously advised Israel, “to pursue Palestinians into all areas.” In its sinister belief that it can physically destroy the Palestinian national desire to return home to a free Palestine, Israel has ravaged and pulverized the defenseless Gaza Strip.

And for more than 17 years, Netanyahu has made it his mission to kill as many Palestinians as the United States and its Western allies will tolerate.}

A while back I posted an article from Global Research that indicated that the Oct 7th attack was a planned collaboration with Hamas. Possibly with a rogue group of infiltrators if not the whole of the group itself. The above highly reflects the same type of indications, leading to apparent collaborations of intelligence agencies having managed to infiltrate particular sects of groups towards a preplanned high escalation of this war we've been witnessing since.

{From Herzl’s “spirit them out” to Netanyahu’s campaign of genocide, the message and actions have been the same — remove all trace of Palestinians.

And from President Harry S. Truman to President Joe Biden, the message has been: the United States will prevent Israel from failing, whatever the political or economic cost.

When Biden asserts that he is a “committed Zionist,” he emphatically says to Israelis and Americans that the United States is in lockstep with Israel’s plans to erase Palestinians and their hopes for a sovereign Palestinian nation. Americans, too, many unwittingly, have become committed Zionists by financing Israeli supremacy and regional militarism.

In addition, by suppressing the truth about Israel’s expansionist plans, American politicians and the corporate media have fed the country’s addiction to regional supremacy and its dreams of a Greater Israel, without Palestinians.

Ben-Gurion’s words in a letter to his son in 1937 were menacing and foreboding:

“The Arabs will have to go, but one needs an opportune moment for making it happen, such as a war.”

Israel’s current Zionist extremists have seized upon the Palestinian act of resistance on Oct. 7, 2023 to make Ben-Gurion’s hoped for “opportune moment” a reality, believing that they, like their predecessors, can continue to disfigure history.}

With the history of deceit from western governments and how their intelligence agencies work, it should be clear now to everyone that it's entirely possible such a coordination took place. There has been a lot of missing links in this war that suggested such. Missing coverage of actual fighting between Israel and Hamas fighters. So little coverage that the small amount could be staged. Little to no indications of captured prisoners being seen.

This war has been plastered on the Internet for the world to see, yet these attributes which would be consistently shared when having occurred are basically none existent. Instances like these in regards to the Ukraine war can be found quite easily in the medias I follow. Especially on RT. Which they have shown none of in regards to Gaza. In which they have multiple investigative reporters in Gaza and Lebanon. All I've seen are videos of some incidents in the West Bank and minority sects which have recently gone dark as the Syrian debacle took a distracting sense from what's happen there. Most recent reporting claim that the West Bank has been basically, fully, taken over by Israeli occupiers and the military. Very likely a large blood bath went on that will never reach the media as any sense of have seemingly been cleared out of these areas. As the same appears to have happened in Gaza where all Palestinians have been herded into one area now. Basically now an open killing field at will.

William_Mary 8 Dec 25
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