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Washington’s IMF Stranglehold

In the deeply undemocratic institution, the U.S. effectively holds a veto over any major changes and molds policies according to its whims.

As a result, the IMF senior staff defers to any policy made by the U.S. government and, given the organisation’s location in Washington, D.C., frequently consults with the U.S. Treasury Department on its policy framework and individual policy decisions.


NATO-USAID-NED? Why not leave or end our participation with the IMF? Because that would leave the Trump administration significantly handicapped towards strangling our manufactured enemies.

{“No government can work with a knife to its throat because it is in debt. Banks must be patient and, if necessary, renew agreements. When the IMF or any other bank lends to a Third World country, people feel they have the right to give orders and manage the country’s finances — as if the countries had become hostages of those who lend them money.” All the talk of democracy dissolves when it comes to the actual basis of power in the world: control over capital.}

{Last year, Oxfam showed that the “world’s top 1% own more wealth than 95% of humanity” and that “over a third of the world’s biggest 50 corporations — worth $13.3 trillion — [is] now run by a billionaire or has a billionaire as a principal shareholder.”

Over a dozen of these billionaires are now in the cabinet of U.S. President Donald Trump; they no longer represent the 1 percent, but in fact the 0.0001 percent or 10-thousandth percent.

At the current rate, by the end of this decade, the world will see the emergence of five trillionaires. They are the ones who dominate governments and who, therefore, have an extraordinary impact on multilateral organisations.}

It can't be any more obvious that we are now an oligarchy ruled country. Any more obvious that the entire western structure is controlled by oligarchs. Any talk about freedom and democracy is purely a scam.

William_Mary 8 Mar 8
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China gives aid without strings, sure they get benefits in the form of soft power influence but nowhere near as bad as the IMF/ World bank in what conditions they set. So it is not a given power through money will rule the day. That is more ideology.

It is both why I support BRICS and see it as the realistic future. We have tried one nation state controlling the default world currency, essential for international trade in a globalised world. It hasn't worked because all that power went to that nations head and they weaponised the currency for selfish advantage. So BRICS will eventually devise an international trading currency not controlled by any nation, so sanctions will be a thing of the past, a relic negotiating tool for our "diplomats".

I don't think our current system can fix itself. A consumption based society run on debt was never sustainable in the long run. Something else will emerge and I see it being led by BRICS, not "The West".

puff Level 8 Mar 8, 2025

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