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this is why we march.

coralisthree 8 Sep 24
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I checked out the conservative group yesterday to see what's going on, and they were completely in favor of Kavanaugh as long as it hurt liberals. They wondered why it took these women so long to report it, which, in their world, is a euphemism for these women are playing politics to undermine his nomination. I mentioned that if they believed people after decades about priests sexually assaulting them, then why not these women. This was an attempt to appeal to our shared agnosticism/atheism, but it didn't work. No empathy there. One guy prefers the religious over liberals. He's rather emotional towards liberals, so there was no connecting there. It reminded me of that one episode of The Wire where they attempted to interview an 18 year African American male who had been in and out of the system his whole life. When they presented scenarios to this guy during the interview, he flew off the handle and wasn't able to understand or hold a regular conversation without flying off the handle. Of course, the guy in the conservative group I spoke with is white and would be supremely upset if he was told that he had anything in common with an African American. It's unfortunate that the political division has gotten to this point.

dokala Level 7 Sep 29, 2018

I haven't come accross this but when I do I will have something to say about it

jacpod Level 8 Sep 24, 2018

I just saw that another accuser has come out. If so hopefully more will be encouraged to do the same and those girls will be encouraged and emboldened and at the same time those boys will think twice.

gearl Level 8 Sep 24, 2018

Did you publish this in a different group?


@coralisthree someone else did ... Very relevant anyway

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