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Is Nordic Model's economic and social policy, a social democracy system?
Will it be successful if it is adopted in US or Canada?
Why The united states always has been against socialism?

NR92 6 Feb 26
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Ridiculous, thete is so much wealth inequality, have to get back to helping the middle and poor classes. Wealthy should be made to pay more in taxes. As it is Social Security, and Medicare are socialist in nature. Need healthcare...for everyone.

vnufall Level 7 Feb 27, 2019

profit for human suffering is wrong in any government, bernie 2020. we are brain washed thats why


The capitalists are now worried about how information technology will impact these:


2 things are happening here.

A. Young workforce is reluctant to join the corporate and traditional workforce. They do not want the buttoned down shirts, formal attires or even formal hair cut to comply with stupidity. They do not like monitoring hierarchies of a team lead, supervisor, assistant manager, manager, director, super direction, managing director, vice president and all that crap. They want to get paid for their expertise and service delivery from anywhere in the world.

B. The capitalists were scared when Obama passed the health care law. It is a big threat to the dependency of workforce that comes to work for benefits. How many of us and people you know hang on to jobs just for employer provided health insurance? They have tried everything to not allow that to happen. It a true single payer, government provided health care is available, the work force will shrink. With remote working, freelancing more options are available to pay your rent and buy groceries.


Downtown commercial estate as we know will crash. The commercial real estate business has started taking a hit but employers are also taking advantage of the trend because they do not need as large an office space, offices, cubicles, parking, cafeteria etc. Employees, contractors using own facilities, utilities to deliver services eliminates a lot of overheads.

St-Sinner Level 9 Feb 26, 2019

Micro economic observations are not defining FED policies propping up the polluter oil war crime profiteering bankster zionism..... 70% of USA is consumer activity 30% is military (genocide ecocide) bankster bribery fraud borrowed trillions from China


This is how the promise of the information technology to bring freedom from traditional payroll, access to information and transparency of (at least) public data for all has been stolen. Examples:

  1. The internet was supposed to bring transparency and easy access to information in the last 25 years. But businesses have stepped in and put firewalls (walled garden) and all kinds of limitations to even non-confidential data.

  2. The same has started happening to the blockchain technology. The promise of the hash, free access to audit a transaction, transparency is again being stolen by big business by making it proprietary and controlled access.

St-Sinner Level 9 Feb 26, 2019

People regularly discuss the problems with American democracy, how people are not doing enough, our complacency and so on.... It has been an issue for decades, if not for centuries.

It is not that every day citizens do not understand what is wrong with the democracy, how we are lied to, how the message is twisted and controlled, how rich are getting richer and so on. So why they are not acting on it? Why they are not coming out in the streets?

In my early days of work on Wall Street, a senior manager explained to me.

  1. The fact that you do not get time is done by design

  2. If you get spare time, you will think of alternatives, you will get time to criticize, you will write, you will gather and make groups etc.

  3. There is an important ingredient of a sustaining labor's dependency on capital. That's how capitalism gets its work force and we want to make it difficult for you to leave (but we can leave you any time).

A.. You must keep coming back to work for a paycheck -- We will never give you enough money and want to keep you coming back to work. The dependency on the paycheck is very important.

B. You must also keep coming back to work for health insurance. That is the strongest and only best option for you if you want yourself and/or family get medical treatment. We have managed to price you out in the private market and prevented government from giving cheap options.

  1. We see you as a hamster on a running wheel.

  2. America is a capitalist country. We will keep it that way and resist every effort to follow European models that give more free time and free health benefits to employees

  3. The success of capitalism depends on the strength of the workforce. Capital cannot succeed without adequate labor.

St-Sinner Level 9 Feb 26, 2019

It was really useful and I fully agree with you, thank you.


Republican Bullshit stupid trumpers will deny it

bobwjr Level 10 Feb 26, 2019


Dr650mike Level 6 Feb 26, 2019

Full Social Democracies have a strong role of the government in the redistribution of income and ownership of industry. A democratic socialist government is not a Totalitarian government as Cuba or Venezuela.

One of the reasons for the distain of Socialism in the US is that Marx is considered the “father of social democracy.” Stalin and Lenin upset the balance by becoming dictators in Russia where the workers rebelled against capitalism and the government seized ownership of the capitalist businesses. In a Social Democracy, this should not happen. However…

If the upper 0.1 percent of the wealthiest in the US do not pay their fair share, the lower 90 percent just may revolt and vote someone like AOC into power.

SageDave Level 7 Feb 26, 2019

Most people like socialistam over capitalist


Because our education system is poor and people learn that socialism creates countries like North Korea or Fidel's Cuba and not an honest portrayal of socialist democracies.

Our indoctrination system also convinces children that they can be rich and doesn't tell them that our system is designed to exploit their labor for the benefit of those who are already wealthy.

JimG Level 8 Feb 26, 2019

The US is not against socialism. Our version is corporate socialism.

Mitch07102 Level 8 Feb 26, 2019

@dan325 They don't love capitalism even a little bit and never have. The love socialism, so long as they benefit.


The answer is that the capitalists are very strong and active in politics in the U.S. and they will not let it happen. They like the rich get richer and trickle down economic models. Republicans in the U.S.Congress and state legislatures are their best friends.

St-Sinner Level 9 Feb 26, 2019

Re. "Capialists.....will not let it happen," I fear you are right. Until somehow money stops equalling "free speech" and Citizens United is overturned, there will be no hope for openly pro-socialist policy getting a fair shake, in the U.S., at any rate. And religion really is the weapon the capitalist oligarchs weild to dupe the masses into false consciousness to continue to bow to the interests of the uber-rich.


It hasn't been tried because Hoover demonized anything associated with communism or he came up with a convenient association because reasons. If the holy rollers who went for realized a guy in a dress convinced them, they may not have followed, but they are followers, so who knows.

Later on, lobbyists have been against it because there's good money in prolonging the problem and finding new ways to make money at the expense of the public. Marketing works or else it wouldn't be used. People fall for it all the time to the point of being violently against their best interest. Get beyond all that, then anything is possible in the US.

dokala Level 7 Feb 26, 2019

Well, you have to consider the individual cultures of the places first and foremost. In those nordic areas there is a prevailing cultural norm that prohibits extreme materialism and the type of gaudish that the west seems to admire. There it's referred to as the "law of jante" and it favors collectivism and modesty. It eastern religionizes their pro-euro tendencies. So their imperialistic and competitive aggressive stances are retarded a bit. You could fit those things there and in the east. But in areas where materialism and ownership mean a lot then you rarely find a group of modest individuals.

JeffMesser Level 8 Feb 26, 2019

@slydr68 well I'm not a fan of capitalism.

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