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Can't touch ya!!

Charlene 9 Mar 6
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Around the severely religious, I feel that there will be no touching ever. There will be no touching the poor, the sick, the abused, or misunderstood. They wouldn't dare touch authentic, self-directed individuals, because they're different than the religious. The fundamentalist religious believe being authentic and different than them is a sin. As long as they persist in believing that, they couldn't possibly touch or be touched. Sorry ....


Such twisted excuses are always why I instinctively know that professed Christian values in politics are supremely fake assertions. To make socialism sound evil is a convenient excuse being lazy and corrupt in life and government and in so many ways that destroy we, the people, ad infinitim.



bobwjr Level 10 Mar 6, 2019

Thanks for the share!


your memes are so good, losing fb friends left and right lol

Is that a bad thing?

@Charlene no ma'am


Jesus has forgiven Republicans.

St-Sinner Level 9 Mar 6, 2019

White Jesus is all about capitalism. Be Best, Jesus!

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