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Define progressive: I ask 20 people, and get 20 answers. Progressive used to mean actual progress of humanity to get along, to share the wealth. Now it is ill-defined. It has become increasingly about identity politics: You are with us about EVERYTHING or nothing. And no room for any reasonable conversation.

I hear self-proclaimed "progressives" demanding the silencing of any voices that disagree, to the point of labeling those who disagree as "alt-white." And demanding more "hate-speech" laws to help silence opposition.

As a "classical progressive," born in the 50s, I support: free speech for all, health-care for all, equality for all, education for all, retirement for all, and so on.

Please list the tenets of the progressivism you support?

JacarC 8 May 7
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It is a paradox that a free society cannot survive intolerance. The intolerant will eventually take over. []


I’ve been criticized for not being a true progressive because I think it’s more important to defeat Trump and get someone generally liberal in office than staying pure to democratic socialist ideals. Even recently, I’ve seen people say that Biden is no better than Trump. I’ve stopped arguing with these idiots and I’ll just remind people that George McGovern, who I supported as a great anti-war liberal, lost to Richard Nixon, by 49-1 states. Our country is currently center-right and we need to figure out how to win over the center before there’s any hope of moving the country to the left.

jerry99 Level 8 May 7, 2019

I did not like it one bit when republicans made liberal a dirty word, anymore than the denegration that they now heap both socialist and progressive. I am a proud liberal in the vein of FDR, JFK, and LBJ.

glennlab Level 10 May 7, 2019

Agree with you 100%!

The current "liberals" are not what we ascribe to. They are pro censorship. They do not understand that free speech means exactly that.

@Jacar I am not sure I know what you are talking about. Calling someone out is not censoring them, askinging someone where they get their facts from is not censorship, not providing a forum is not censorship. So what do you mean by censorship.


A quick guess says progressives and classic liberals used to be the same thing but progressive probably means extreme left-wing nowadays.

brentan Level 8 May 7, 2019

I don't agree with silencing but blowing up their lies is something different

bobwjr Level 10 May 7, 2019

And that requires MORE speech. Not censorship.


A favorite meme that sums progressivism up for me;


Sums it up for me as well.

thank you.

For those who might be interested , here is the entire speech that the quote was taken from . []

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