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This is what we want

Charlene 9 Aug 6
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If you REALLY want some education, then go and get it!
Here's some education for you to get you started in the right direction.
According to the Grace Commission (created by Ronnie "The Retard" Reagan and chaired by J. Peter Grace) ALL of the "take" of the IRS in 1984 went to pay for NOTHING but the phony interest on the bogus national debt! Not even one nickel was going to pay for any of the services that the people were expecting to get from their taxes!!
I say to tax the poor people MORE, to give them an incentive to work more, better themselves and not be a drain on the rest of society!! Why should I have to pay for free loaders all of the time? If we had it where the more you make the less you pay in taxes, you'd see a lot more production going on! Don't tax the rich people out of existence, tax the POOR people out of existence!! Make everybody rich, not everybody poor!!

Logician Level 7 Aug 9, 2019

Soo u a Yuge fan of "piss on you, more for me" Trickle Down economic theory. Obviously more tax cut to the top overlords actually Doesn't produce More jobs (other than p/t), higher wages nor better living standard for anyone..other than the 1%.
So do me a favor.. Stuff your head further up your ass and call it a day. Regards Charlene..


A solid argument

St-Sinner Level 9 Aug 6, 2019

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