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Stop blaming Venezuela’s problems in Socialism. What do you think about this chap’s rant? []

ToolGuy 9 Aug 10
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I liked how he lays out just one side without mentioning dictatorships and human rights violations. The U.S.A. has uncontrolled capitalism. Also bad. We need capitalism with strong controls for law breakers and routers. That is not happening but Elizabeth Warren has been yelling for years.

St-Sinner Level 9 Aug 11, 2019

Bingo. Absolutely spot-on. We are a Socialist democracy...

Look up the definition of socialism...or better yet just break down the word; social- ism. Utilizing social constructs to collect and pay for goods and services.
-our military
-our public schools
-medicare and medicaid.
-Social security (it's even in the name!)


Robecology Level 9 Aug 10, 2019

It's all about the Oil..never 4get it's been about Blood for Oil for the past 50 years..ever since they figured out that the world wide reserves are being rapidly depleted..

Charlene Level 9 Aug 10, 2019

Venezuela is not an entirely socialist country. The US is every bit as much a socialist country, probably more so by all measures. Venezuela is more relative to being a communist country with it's capitalist involvement within its economy system. Which I would argue it (the capitalist part) is the part of the system creating the vast majority of their problems. I would also argue that the US has incrementally become a communist country since the Reagan era, to now a full blown measure as such as we today pour the vast majority of our taxes into the military complex, where Venezuela pour more resources into their citizens. The US today is now a vast resemblance of the old USSR, which was forced into a sense of communism by the westernized ruling class governments as it came out of the Russian Revolution era of 1917. Unfortunately, the US has become everything we were told we were fighting against. From 1917, the fake fear of socialism of Lenin, Nazi Germany, to todays fake war on terrorism. And all the false narratives towards endless warring in the destruction of democratic elected governments in South and Central America, wars in Asia, and the Middle East, now carrying over into vast parts of Africa in attempts of the new fear China project. Say hello to the Forth Reich----Same as the Third Reich.


He is 110% correct. It is capitalism that is faulty. That profit comes from the poor, goes to the rich, and they bank it. This is a cycle that is NOT self-sustaining.

JeffMesser Level 8 Aug 10, 2019

It isn't a socialism trouble; it is a fat cat dictator claiming a socialist state and making money by allowing drug smuggling through his nation. He is a blatant CAPITALIST within a disguise.

@ToolGuy CNN, Fox news, Newsweek and others have recently run articles on the drug cartels backing up the dictator (election or not). On phone and my computer illiteracy needs a computer to post citations - seek and yea shall find easily.


I agree. USA became a super power because of FDR’s socialism. The farther we get away from what he did, the worse we get. Dumbasses who believe the anti socialism propaganda are tools for the rich powers that be.

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