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I've been a fan of Matt Taibbi since his article Michelle Bachmann's Holy War: []

That's a great piece of investigative journalism.

Here's Taibbi's recent preliminary work on Tulsi Gabbard whom I am a fan of because of her position on US regime change war. I make small but regular financial contributions to her campaign.

RS: On her experiences in her first deployment in Iraq with a field medical unit of the Hawaii National Guard, and how they started to change her mind about the war:

Gabbard: We were lied to, and… we were betrayed…. This really wasn’t about going after Al-Qaeda. This wasn’t about fulfilling that mission of protecting the American people at all. It was a regime change war that was launched under the guise of national security, under the guise of humanitarianism, and, “Look at all these atrocities that this brutal dictator has done to his own people,” and done really for the benefit of corporate interests and oil.

avron 6 Aug 12
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I've been posting this...and saying this for years. Too many friends came back from Afghanistan and said this was closer to the truth about why we were there.

Don't take my word for it. Search "U.S. troops in Afghanistan guarding Opium poppy fields - images"'ll see dozens.

Robecology Level 9 Aug 12, 2019

@avron Fleecing...what?

I sure hope if Trump does anything about our occupation there he makes moves to bring the troops home - but that will go against his record defense spending budget proposal to I doubt that will happen.

@avron I checked "like" but what you say is so sad...yet so true. You're not spreading rumors if you're sharing first hand wisdom. That's how we ended the Vietnam war. Kudos.


Great job with evangelical fanatics behind her she is dangerous

bobwjr Level 10 Aug 12, 2019

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