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Why do some atheists or agnostics still feel so unsecured and not in peace?

## They want to be loved as much as a regular theist person?
**Sometiimes atheists become agnostics by mind. And agnostics are the people who are never sure. Can these be the reasons?

I know It may vary from person to person or country to country . But atleast give me some all-embracing reasons.

ShareefShourov 3 Oct 22
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This is 100% irrelevant to Socialism and violates community standards as harrassment equating false faiths with true Atheism


Capitalist society creates alienation...

Krish55 Level 8 Oct 23, 2019

It's called moral courage -- the act of standing outside a cozy peer group like a religion, church or other social club. A mind ever questioning is not the basis of complacency or smugness that you will find with most "secure" camp followers.

Garbonza Level 6 Oct 23, 2019

I don't so, can't give a good answer, but I will defer to @pralina1 's arguments.

glennlab Level 10 Oct 23, 2019

I am an atheist and I at am peace. I do not know about others. I know for sure that some call themselves including in here as free thinkers but they are not. Being a free thinker is an art that must be practiced, honed and mastered. Calling yourself a free thinker does not make you one.

Doubt, confusion and being unsure being to disappear as you think independently and understand more. It is just a process and that is how it works.

St-Sinner Level 9 Oct 23, 2019

You're from a very religious-based to doubt or question religion puts you in a tough spot. As you and your nation grows through a "demographic transition" in to an industrialized, learned nation, you'll become more secure and at peace with science...and asking questions about the "myths" that - right now - surround you.


Robecology Level 9 Oct 23, 2019

Repeat post aka Spam


It happens mostly in the mornings . After we eat a baby or two we are fine . Secure and all .
Next .

Pralina1 Level 9 Oct 23, 2019

Prefer baked to broiled babies get too crispy lol


I am Fine with it .

GEGR Level 7 Oct 23, 2019

They want to avoid persecution,as in Salem witch trials

bobwjr Level 10 Oct 23, 2019

I don't feel insecure. Do you? And loved, like WTF?

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