11 2

Interested to hear from this group, based on the political climate of neo liberalism and populist right wing politics, do others find space and time to express their views openly,or feel threatened, intimidated by Right Wing trolls?
Consider this an important,issue in terms of being able to be active, as remaining passive in these uncertain times, is acquiescing to the status quo and Right Wing forces.
Maybe some thoughts, discussion?

Lenin 3 Oct 28
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GreenAtheist—— I agree with you that my list is short and progressives have fell short in many areas and were complicit in the genocide of native Americans , but as opposed to bigots and conservatives they have tried to forward the cause of human rights in America in context with the era in which it occurred.

bklynite53 Level 7 Nov 15, 2019

FDR said it best and I will paraphrase----" a conservative is someone with two perfectly good legs ,who has never taken a step forward in their lives "
conservatives have been on the wrong side of American history since our fight for independence
1.Progressives wanted American freedom from England--conservatives ( Tories)wanted the status quo and remain
under England's harsh thumb
2. progressives wanted to end slavery---conservatives wanted the status quo
3. progressives fought for a woman's right to vote-- conservatives were against giving women that right
4. progressive fought to end child labor-- conservatives were just fine with it
5. progressives gave us unions which created the middle class in this country-- conservatives have always been
for big business.
6. progressives gave us social security providing a safety net for millions of Americans--conservative were against it calling it a communist plot
7. progressives gave us civil rights legislation-- of course the conservatives and bigots (maybe one and the same)
were vehemently opposed to it
8. progressives gave us Medicare lifting millions of seniors out of poverty--- conservatives called it another
communist plot and of course were against it
9.Progressives fought for Roe v Wade a womans right to choose and safe abortion-- not done by back alley
butchers but conservative men want to continue to control a woman's body and are trying hard to take away
women's rights.
10. progressives have and are currently fighting for LGBT rights because every person should have the right to life,liberty and the pursuit of happiness---- conservatives ( evangelical Christians are on the front lines against
equal rights for all people) again oppose this basic concept written in our Declaration of Independence
11. to sum up the right wing conservatives of today --they would like America to return to the Dark Ages when the
church(Christianity) ruled the world and anyone that does not fall into their narrow definition of what a white Christian is in this country is a second class citizen.

bklynite53 Level 7 Nov 14, 2019

Those few issues are historic and all progressive victories....but there are many more issues neither progressives nor bigots define in truth...genocide Native American rights zionism polluters and illegal wars in 150 countries all rage outside of your definitions


Classical Liberalism is embodied in the US constitution. Neo-liberalism is a set ECONOMIC lazy-fare ideas. These two ideas are NOT related..

JacarC Level 8 Nov 8, 2019

From a distanc (NZ) it appears your country has had a massive failure in education. Noone seems to have an understanding of civics. Consequently the divide of public good and the role of government to supply basic needs. Many of you miss the fact that Fire,Police amd medicade are socialist concepts

r0many91 Level 1 Nov 4, 2019

Schoolbooks are capitalist propaganda sold at high profits here and we do have lavish socialist fascism for rich polluter oil war crime profiteering bankster zionists.....naysayers like me are called spoilers by Democrats and bolsheviks by Rethuglicans....true Libertarians are called drug addicts and Greens like me are ridiculed as tree huggers....since 1946 USA has waged illegal wars in 150 countries....NZ was pushed to join USA invaders of Vietnam but I doubt our CIA murdered any of your leaders like USA has killed in Chile Brazil Bolivia Venezuela Iran Cuba Grenada Afghanistan Iraq Libya Syria Palestine Beirut Yugoslavia Spain Argentina Timor Thailand Guatemala Honduras Salvador Nicaragua Haiti bit most of all USA is a genocidal monster killing 3/4ths Native Americans since 1773 all for profit calling us Veterans heroes for such crimes we're ordered to execute


I find that as long as you can back up what you believe with facts there is nothing to fear from the conservative right. Their arguements will breakdown and turn to name calling. Especially if their arguements are those of the right wing media. But you have to know that like Christians those who believe in conservative propaganda do not let reason nor logic sway them from their entrenched views.

ArthurK Level 6 Nov 1, 2019

I write a political column for a local paper and do not hide my progressive leanings. I have threee people who respond to me regularly in an attempt to anger me. I take it as a badge of freedom that we can discuss political views openly and in the public theater.

On these pages (and others on Agnostic and FB) the trolls seem to come out in droves. I ignore most because their arguement make no sense. for those who can put together a cohesive discussion, I will "talk" with them as long as it is civil.

SageDave Level 7 Oct 30, 2019

Sorry so many fascists are down under....we are very hopeful here in USA peace through Green jobs


Fuck these Right Wing Nut Jobs to Hell and back .

GEGR Level 7 Oct 29, 2019

We have both neoliberals and right wingers here. You’ll learn soon enough.

Bobbyzen Level 8 Oct 29, 2019

Thought this group had left leaning tendencies?

@Lenin You’d think so, based in the group’s name. But anybody can (and often does) join any group...

@Allamanda , thanks.
New to this manner of posting and group participation, maybe naive?


Oh hell no..NeoLibs or Nazis can bring it..And fuck them.

Charlene Level 9 Oct 28, 2019

just stick around. You are going to get a lot of it.

St-Sinner Level 9 Oct 28, 2019
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