7 9

I'm a 70+ moderate and even Ican see that modern Capitalism, with it's blind and unreadonable faith in growth, will lead to the distruction of society and the planet. Time for a new direction.

karl 5 Dec 7
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I just had a swell idea to bring the country together. Everyone should buy foreign! Buy from Honduras and El Salvadore. Buy from Syria and Sudan. buy from every desertified country in the Sahael. Soon jobs will blossom around the world and we will all begin to self deport to the good jobs in Somalia.

karl Level 5 Dec 17, 2019

Time indeed

Jolanta Level 9 Dec 10, 2019

Global debt has gone parabolic. There is no easy way out.
The Piper will be paid.

@ToolGuy , assets can lose most of their value and even become worthless.

The Piper sure got paid when the EU called on Ireland to pay for the loss of investors in the 2008 crash. How we hadn't the balls to tell them to fuck off like they did in Iceland cracks me up.

@brentan , have to admire the icelanders. The only country to actually lock up some of the corrupt banksters.



bobwjr Level 10 Dec 7, 2019

Yes, this growth thing is a big problem. You borrow money and invest it as capital and then the return on your investment must at least cover the interest paid on the loan through economic growth. All going well, you do it again. The dog is continually chasing its tail while the market is flooded with consumer goods and services to keep the process going. Right now, I can only see social democracy as a way to help the situation but that's only in terms of how fairly the pie created by this sick economic process is shared out.

brentan Level 8 Dec 7, 2019

The new direction is controlled, well policed capitalism, not any form of socialism. Our society is not ready as the some North European societies like Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden were and have done. We are different people, we are more religious, have more capital influences. We are a society that welcomes anyone (legally) and says you can succeed here. There has been no other place where people from around the world flock... to realize their dreams.

Do we have problems? Yes but the answer is surgical corrections, not throwing away the larger good we have that has created the most successful economy on the face of the Earth and is also called the "land of opportunities".

St-Sinner Level 9 Dec 7, 2019

I guess that was all said tongue-in-cheek!

@altschmerz I do not think so. Most European nations have restrictive immigration, citizenship laws more than the U.S. has had. Trump is beginning to make things right in immigration. Encourage merit based legal immigration, stop illegal immigration.

We don't come here to "realize our dreams." That was when white Europeans came to take Native land. We brown-skinned immigrants come now to escape the destruction capitalism and imperialism wreaks on our homelands.


Truly doesn't seem sustainable forever.

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