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'The economic foundation of pseudo-left politics
The political outlook of the next 9 percent is based on this economic reality. In aggregate, this social layer owes its position to rising share values, the exploitation of the working class and the dominant global position of American capitalism. At the same time, it regards the 1 percent as having acquired an unfair portion of the spoils. The ideology and politics of the next 9 percent dominate at the universities, where many members of this social layer serve as professors, administrators and department heads.' []

Ian-Duggan 7 Dec 20
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This is almost three years old and I haven heard any of democratic candidates mentioning this in their appearances

Why would they??? The democrats is a party of big business, positions itself in opposition to the democrats and the fake left parties that call for votes for some democrats


I have thought of this idea as a bunch of people on the tip of an iceberg and always looking up. They refuse to look down as what they might see is too scary.

JackPedigo Level 9 Dec 20, 2019

It's very, very scary that just 6 weeks before the Iowa primary Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren are still fighting uphill trying to debunk the steady-as-she-goes-with-Obamacare policies put out by Biden, Buttigieg, Klobuchar, and on and on. Why don't these "democrats" understand that the "middle class" that has had their incomes and rights grasped away from them by administrations steadily since Reagan (including during the Clinton years) can't wait another 40 years for at least some of it to be clawed back? Is it because they're not struggling themselves, don't mix with struggling people, and don't have a clue? Or they're just too dumb and self-serving to have the insight Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren do? I got a glimpse of this when Warren gave one of her moving stories about poor people who had approached her for selfies, and then reeled off the disastrous circumstances of this family; and then Biden instantly chimed in with his story about being mobbed by selfie-seekers himself, as if that was the point of the story. What he offered to do for these people I have no clue and didn't want to hear -- Maybe he thought his broad shoulders to cry on were enough, with maybe a bit more Obamacare spread out over the next few decades.

Garbonza Level 6 Dec 20, 2019

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Posted by William_MaryA symptom of perception management. The program was completed when the vast amount of the American citizenship became compliant to the delivery of MSM information. []

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