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UK Threatening to Tear Up its Defense Alliance with US

Because of President Trump’s destabilizing order to assassinate Iranian Maj. Gen. Qassem Soleimani, UK Defense Secretary Ben Wallace is threatening to tear up its defense alliance with the US, adding that the UK will instead be seeking to forge stronger alliances with other international partners who share the UK’s priorities.

Trump Administration officials counter, calling the UK’s move unfair - and pointing out Trump’s never really had any real friends, so how the hell is he supposed understand alliances? In the meantime, an outraged Donald Trump took to Twitter, urging all Americans to quit buying English muffins.


johnnyrobish 8 Jan 14
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bobwjr Level 10 Jan 14, 2020

We can't blame them for wanting to distance themselves. How can any world leaders trust the USA when our president pulls out of agreements, breaks treaties, and assassinates the generals of sovereign nations openly?

RoboGraham Level 8 Jan 14, 2020

@OwlInASack Yeah they seem like two peas out the same pod. Still it's got to make relations a bit strained.

@OwlInASack It's terrible what the neoliberals have done to our countries. However, it seems that the left may be coalescing being Sanders here in the states.

Do you reckon that, after all of the Brexit stuff is sorted, the left in the UK will have a chance again?

@OwlInASack Yes it is an uphill battle. The solution I think is education. Teach people to think critically and they will see through the bull shit. But with them in charge education funding gets cut while military spending explodes.

@OwlInASack If they have their way, education will be privatized and become something reserved only for the privileged again.


"most trusted source for fake news" lol. We know you're American when you have to be explicit about your satire. 😛 Love it.

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