10 2

I am asking for suggestions. How about making a list of ways Hitler and Trump are different. I will start. Hitler had facial hair. Hitler had a better diet. Next.

Beowulfsfriend 9 Apr 3
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I think Hitler had a dog. Shitler can't stand animals.

  1. Hitler was smarter. He knew history even though his interpretation was racist.
  2. Hitler was braver, actually a decorated soldier from WWI.
  3. Hitler had some artistic talent and some appreciation for the fine arts.
  4. Though his was a despicable demagogue, Hitler was not a personal con-man.
  5. The Germans voted for Hitler in a time of unprecedented desperation. Many comfortable, middle-class Americans voted for Trump even though they were doing economically well at the time.
  6. Conclusion? Racism and stupidity have so debased many Americans that we couldn't even find a real demagogue; the racists got taken in by a degenerate con-man.
Krish55 Level 8 Apr 4, 2020

Hitler liked stimulants. Trump likes cheeseburgers and KFC

Rudy1962 Level 9 Apr 3, 2020

Hitler was a veteran who was injured serving his country.


Hitler killed himself.

thislife Level 7 Apr 3, 2020

We can only hope this changes..

@TomMcGiverin It would be his greatest accomplishment.


Hitler was hotter with better hair and skin. 😂

dkp93 Level 8 Apr 3, 2020

And a reasonable height/ weight ratio!


Hitler was not a billionaire. Germany was struggling economically as a result of the outcomes resulting from WWI. Hitler was part of the populace that was struggling economically. This situation help form the ideologue that he would become.

Similar to Trump, he tapped into the psyche of those members of society that were struggling economically. They both tapped into the travails and tribulations of the working class and used it to their advantage to rise to power. They made promises and found a scapegoat in which they could focus their discontent. They both used racial stereotypes to reinforce their ideology and tapped into long standing racial undercurrents to seduce their followers.

Trump conversely is indirectly a by-product of the same environment as Germany. Trump's grandfather fled post-Bismarckian-Prussian to a void serving in the military. He brought with him the same racial stereotypes about Jews and racial minorities that abounded in some aspects of German culture. These were ultimately passed on to his grandson, our President. There is some anecdotal evidence that Trump's father belonged to the KKK.

Also. Trump came from economic affluence and did not struggle financially like Hitler. Hitler, if I remember correctly wrote Mein Kampf in jail. At least Hitker was literate and by his speeches articulate. This is opposition to Trump which has only a middle school lexicon. He may have a BA from Wharton Business school, but suspicion has it his graduation success was more one of financial contributions by his father and not academic achievement (the reason Trump has made it illegal to access and post his college transcripts - beyond FERPA regs.)

t1nick Level 8 Apr 3, 2020

Hitler spoke German


Why differences they have much in common

bobwjr Level 10 Apr 3, 2020

because we already know their many similarities


Hitler liked to be peed on. I don't know if tRump does or not.

Theresa_N Level 8 Apr 3, 2020
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