8 7

OMFG. We are so doomed. 😔 Biden's already bailing on the job before he's even elected.

This is so disheartening. Given that Bernie Sanders is the overwhelming choice, by voters, for the VP pick, it should start ringing bells that America has moved left. Not center, not a little, a whole lot left.

I'm so over this election cycle. More nonsense, less policy. Shameful. 😐

Biden Calls Himself A ‘Transition Candidate’ To ‘Bring The Mayor Petes Of The World’ Into His Administration

SeaGreenEyez 9 May 1
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Fuxk Biden the blue rapist. Vote for Green party candidate Jesse Ventura.

Bakunin Level 7 May 2, 2020

Once we vote him in we can do something to change what is going on, if trump wins we are all just fucked. Might as well just shoot ourselves.

@SeaGreenEyez Then we get trump again.

@SeaGreenEyez I would like to agree with you in that he is doing nothing, but he is tearing the government apart. It could be argued that this is a part of doing nothing. Perhaps the Convention will produce something different than is available now. I think I agree.


I'm going green unless something drastically changes

Buddha Level 8 May 1, 2020

Boomers just can't step aside. Most would rather work until they drop then retire gracefully. Look at how many Trumpsters are over 60. You would think that they would be more concerned with their grand kids future than their own but, I see no evidence of that at all. Its the same with moderate Dems. They can't imagine a world without them in it, so why think about the long term. It wouldn't surprise me if you're right about Joe but, I hope he's genuinely thinking about the future of the party.


Petey and Amy..🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮

Charlene Level 9 May 1, 2020

He's attempting to beat Trump by including minorities and women on his "staff. "

Thus. Getting more voters in November... It's obvious...


BILLARY = BidenS.....what color is she ? Goldman Sachs bankrupt bailed out red ink ....that is the 2020 color TrumpOLINI = BILLARY again....fraud versus criminal....RED VERSUS RED ......why wait for TrumpOLINI to giilliotime headless Joe ? Elect a real EcoSocialist to bail out everyone EXCEPT MILLIONAIRES WWW.HOWIEHAWKINS.US PEACE THROUGH GREEN JOBS PRESIDENTIAL MATCHING FUNDS in all 50 states to win


Well that inspires confidence

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