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Trump’s Favored COVID Strategist Calls for Uprising Against Michigan Gov

Doctor Scott Atlas, President Trump’s favored coronavirus strategist, is urging Michigan residents to “rise up” against Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer and her new Covid-19 public health measures - which are being put into place to help curb the pandemic’s dramatic surge in infection rates.

, advocating armed insurrection because a concerned public official is implementing some relatively modest inconveniences, like social distancing and wearing face masks in order save lives? Now, is it just me, or does it sound like Dr. Atlas must have gotten hired, simply because Dr. Kevorkian is dead and no longer available?

Sounds me like the good Doctor Atlas is to medicine, what Rudy Giuliani is to the rule of law. That said, should we really find it all that surprising that a close Trump confidant is urging a “revolt?” Not really, especially when you consider that most everyone currently serving in the Trump administration - is downright “revolting.”

Now, the funny thing is, for a group of folks who reject both science and evolution, these Trump supporters sure seem to be doing everything possible to prove Darwin was correct. And, in the meantime, people are dying - and Atlas Shrugged.


johnnyrobish 8 Nov 17
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When all you can hire are the most stupid and ignorant what one gets kills.


Is anyone keeping track of how many of his supporters are dying? We know they are not using masks and so are the first to get Covid and spread it.


Good one. When the governor here in WA State issued the mask mandate the trump supporters around here lost their frigging minds. Since they are the idjots helping spread the virus we will be going back to more strict measures so they get a second chance to loose whatever gray matter they didn't loose the first time 'round. 😟


Despicable. He should be arrested for threatening murder.

He's just now claiming that he was only referring to voting. Does he really think we're all as stupid as they are?

@johnnyrobish As long as they get away with it, they are.

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