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Full Frontal with Samantha Bee - Racist and Sexist School Dress Codes Continue to Fail Students

phxbillcee 10 Sep 10
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I still liked the way some school district in Texas punked Governor Abbott by adding masks to the dress code to get around his order prohibiting school mask orders.


My daughter went to catlic school,and now my Granddaughter started yesterday in a uniform..grrrrrr

Charlene Level 9 Sep 10, 2021

Dress codes seem to always warp into some sort of monster. In 20 years of teaching, I personally never really enforced the codes - once I told a kid not to wear a soccer shirt again that had a Spanish beer advert (no other teachers, including the Spanish teacher noticed). And once, I had a kid come to me hoping I would back him up on a shirt that a female teacher had told him not to wear. The shirt had women on it, and I didn't find it offensive, however, after examining it. I noticed the women formed the shapes of guns, neither the student or other teacher had seen that, and once I pointed it out, the kid agreed he shouldn't wear it to school.

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