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Beau of the Fifth Column - Let's talk about newly disclosed information about the 6th....

phxbillcee 10 Jan 3
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What I'M EXtremely happy about is no counter protesters(those against trump) or Biden supporters showed up enforce.
One of the things I'd had been saying and hoping for was the anti fascist groups, the BLM groups, ya know those opposed to trump just stayed the hell home. They did.
It was like ALL the crap the right was accusing and saying the left was doing was exactly what they were doing.
Sadly all the lessons that the media could have pointed out about this AND more they just let slide.

Like we all know if it had been people of color predominantly in the crowd they would have NEVER gotten near the Capitol Building like the white folks did.

Or how now all those elected officials down on the floor cringing in fear, running and locking themselves in offices all in fear of their lives know EXACTLY how all the kids in school, folks at the supermarket, in church or out in a bar or music event feel.
No, the media just showed the images but never really got around to opinion pieces pointing out this obvious aspect of what happened on 1/6/2021.


The special forces did to my mind exactly what you would hope they would do, and what they should do, in such an event. They were aware, and they acted to observed the situation closely, to make sure in case they were needed, they decided that they were not and that restraint was the best action. I have no doubt, that there are some who will say, that not going in guns blazing is a sure sign of Republican sympathies, and there are some who will say that being there at all was a threat to the people and their right to express themselves. They should both grow up.

Fernapple Level 9 Jan 4, 2022

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