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It's one of the things I look for in a partner 🤷♀️

JonnaBononna 7 Feb 15
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Me too, but unfortunately, my local dating pool appears to offer almost no women that are radical or socialist like me, at least ones that are interested in dating anyone at this time. It appears that about all the women who are lefty like me, are either already taken or else not interested in dating anyone these days. Thus, it puts me in the uncomfortable position, most of the time, of having to settle for dating women that are merely "liberal" Dems, with all the accompanying tensions over their support and approval for centrist corporate Dems like Biden, Schumer, and Pelosi, and their scorn or lack of respect for Bernie. In fact, most of them supported Warren last time simply out of gender loyalty and her positioning herself as supporting capitalism, with few of them being able to recognize her fake progressivism, no matter how much I might point it out. I hate having to choose between accepting their support of neoliberal Dems and biting my tongue, or having nobody to date from Match. It's grating how many of them either care only about ID politics and multiculturalism, and/or are very comfortable with capitialism and the economic status quo, as they are comfortably in the top 10% financially, so they don't ? the system and think folks like us are either malcontents or nuts....

And, of course, the whole fake uproar over Bernie Bros just gave Warren and her supporters cover for helping the DNC screw over Bernie and insure his loss by Warren refusing to concede and throw her support to Bernie against Biden. To this day, I can't see what, if anything, Warren got from the party leaders for making sure Bernie lost. She appears to have sold out all us progressives for nothing.

Supporting a candidate just because she's a woman is the same as supporting one because he's a man. It's stupid.

@JonnaBononna I totally agree, and so did Susan Sarandon during both of Bernie's primary runs. She made the provocative campaign ad for Bernie where she said she voted based on her brain rather than her vagina! But unfortunately, my experience with liberal Dem women around here is that they are so obsessed with gender and wanting to elect a female prez, that they overlook policy, character, and record completely and instead supported Warren totally out of gender solidarity. And no amount of pointing out to them the contradictions between their choice and their progressive values seems to make any difference. They can't handle cognitive dissonance, at least not consciously, it seems.

@TomMcGiverin yeah was the same with Hillary. And OMG I loathe the whole "If you vote for a third party candidate you're voting for a republican!!" Bullshit. The democrats don't own my vote

@JonnaBononna They don't own your vote, they don't deserve it, and they sure as hell don't care about earning it! They aren't even that concerned about winning federal elections, just about raking in all the corporate cash they can get, because that is their real constituency, the one they care about pleasing. Because even when they are out of power and in the minority, they still enjoy the corporate cash and all the perks of being in congress, while their kids still get the sweet jobs in corporate America and the fed govt. courtesy of their parents connections with the DC power structure. Same thing with their kids getting into all the Ivy League colleges. They win either way, no matter how the elections go, same with Wall Street and the MIC. Actually, the Dems prefer to be out of power and in the minority in congress, so that way they can pursue the same corporate agenda as when they are in the majority, and then blame it all on those mean Repubs, instead of on their own loyalty to their corporate donors...

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