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Pat Robertson Says Putin’s Ukraine Invasion Part of God’s Plan

Pat Robertson came out of “retirement” this week to weigh in on the Russian invasion of Ukraine for his 700 Club audience. Robertson claims that regardless of all the brutal, horrific deaths, and thousands of uprooted families, Vladimir Putin is actually fulfilling the “will of God” by conducting this Ukraine invasion. Robertson explains that “if you read Ezekiel, it tells you that Putin is being compelled by God to link up with Turkey and that will trigger a massive ‘End Times’ invasion of Israel.”

Gee whiz! You mean old Pat Robertson’s back in the news again? What’s up with that?” Does Mike Lindell have the day off or something? Hell, I could have sworn Robertson was already dead, but apparently - he was only “brain dead.” So, they brought old Pat out of retirement to tell us this? It must be because he’s always been so fucking “spot-on accurate” with all his other predictions.

That said, I have to say old Pat seems to be a bit off his game on this one. I mean, usually, he manages to expertly link any tragedy, disaster, whatever - directly to “the gays.” Gee, could it be Pat’s going “soft” on “the gays?” That makes me wonder if someone might be trying to pull some kind of a “Weekend at Bernie’s” on us. If that’s the case, better tell the undertaker he’s using way too much makeup on that damn corpse.

I mean, just think about it. Why hasn’t this old coot hasn’t been called home yet? Hell, I thought Satan had already replaced Pat with Donald Trump a few years back? All I can say is, if this actually is the real Pat Roberson, then how about giving the rest of us a break - and usher this old bag of bones back to his rest home dining room, so the poor guy can finish his jello pudding.

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johnnyrobish 8 Mar 1
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